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Naby False Warn Appeal


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Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514
The admin's name in-game: Naby
The admin's steam name (If you know it): im guessing [GL] Naby
What warning did you receive: Fail RP
Why do you think this warn was false: I have a bug. I've reported it to nolan. When I die i see a pink and black checkered menu. it has text saying Invalid SWEP Table followed by a series of characters and theres one white box in the middle. Clicking the white box respawns me. Ive tried theres no hidden button for call ems. I would wait for ems without hitting it, but ems doesn't see a marker unless i hit call ems which theres no button to do so and the menu doesn't allow me to type in chat to tell ems to come. If he would've asked me before just warning me I could've told him this. He warned me without a sit while off duty (hes an admin so he is allowed) and when i told him in teamspeak afterwards i told him the bug and he seemed to understand. he said "im sorry i had no way of knowing that."
Any extra information: Whever I have to leave or i get bored and just watch YT for a while i will reset my addons and resubscribe to the content pack. Hopefully that will solve it. in the future at least ask in ooc about why i did it. it really helps to prevent warns like this.
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