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Forrest staff report

James Oliver

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Everyone reports everyone for the smallest things



He steals cars and gets into police chases while on duty, cloaked, and godded, 


He uncloaked for three minutes and had a light-hearted and joking encounter with a player.

Staff abuse is never good, but I don't appreciate people making reports on people who did nothing wrong. Staff is like a second family to me so I take reports of non-issues seriously. 

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He steals cars and gets into police chases while on duty, cloaked, and godded, 


He uncloaked for three minutes and had a light-hearted and joking encounter with a player.

Staff abuse is never good, but I don't appreciate people making reports on people who did nothing wrong. Staff is like a second family to me so I take reports of non-issues seriously. 

We can joke around as long as we keep it serious when it comes to an actual sit

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The staff member have left so I don’t see this going somewhere 

staff member that left (James)

I thought u meant I left I shit myself

LT Forrest 1A54 | SGT Trooper Forrest 1T54 | SWAT SGT Forrest XR01 | SS VCDMR Forrest XS54 | Sheriff SGT Forrest 1S15




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