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Secret Service Armor levels


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What you want to see? - The following armor levels preset to the Secret Service Classes, 75, 100, 125, 150

Why should we add it? - No real reason except every other department either has armor set to 100 (state troopers) and to SWAT where they go routinely above 125 (I was a corporal.)

What are the advantages of having this? - Adds a better aspect of rp because Secret Service Agents are routinely armored up heavily.

Who is it mainly for? - Secret Service Agents

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Secret Service Agent- The beginner class would have 75 armor.

Secret Service Field Agent- The second class that an Agent would be promoted to would have 75 as well

Secret Service Senior Agent- Third in line would have 100 armor

Secret Service  Elite Agent- "Second highest" class would have 125

Secret Service Commander- It would have 150. 

Also can a second slot be added into Commander. I want to pick a Vice Commander to help me in Secret Service but plan to fill Elite Agent slots so having another extra slot would help.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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