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HL2 gamemode

Not Daft

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*ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: This is a repost of my old post which SOMEONE randomly locked with no reason given and it hurt my feelings legit because of the hour i put into making this*

*I put this in general because idk where to put a gamemode suggestion*

Basically, I have an idea for the next GL Gamemode= Half Life 2 RP. Im pretty sure ive seen this before on the server list or something, but this is my version of it:

Similar to policeRP, but with more factions, and police get to bring out there inner brutality :)

Also since HL2 stuff is already ingame, not many downloads needed! :))))

Factions : The surviving citizen populuce (Goal: Survive and stay out of combines way, and try to help rebels)  Rebels (Job: Save citizens in danger, fight the combine, and guard their bases) Combine [Could be named Civil Police if wanted] (Goal: Keep citizens in check, hunt and kill any rebels)

Map: rp_city17, features houses, apartments, secret underground locations (possible locations for rebels). Combine prisons, Combine HQ, a mayors office (Mayor would be Breen, of course) Lots more... it is detailed (has rebel propaganda, aswell as combine propaganda)

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150899249 (the one i described... but might be too laggy)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=499775246 A version of city 17

https://garrysmods.org/download/24685/rp-uptown-v3-1-publiczip A old map that i personnally love but u might not...

Special features : One could be food, which citizens and rebels would be desperate for. More ideas welcome! Combine checkpoints (You know, those things you couldnt pass in HL2 in the start), which would be manned by 1 or 2 combine, to make sure no one is messing with it

Vehicles : Combine could be allowed to access a APC, and maybe high ranks (Which would go to SA, Manager, And of course, Valk <3) could use Combine helicoptors (we would use Airwatch 2)

Rebels and Citizens could craft (MAYBE buy, but RP wise, they would have to build it from parts, maybe use some addons from the old falloutRP) HL2 vehicles (So NO downloads ) (Also NO Driving delay! HOW BOUT DAT!)

Ways to earn money: Hack combine checkpoints and steal data, Auto sell it to rebels. Sell scraps, food, and spare parts from scavenging.

Ways to get food: Just from the food station in HL2s city 17, but thats not enough.. they wont supply to rebels... so raid for food :D! 

Parts and Scraps: Use GL's scavenging tool, but MODIFY it so you can scrap car props, which could respawn after a time period

Weapons and stuff : Raid Combine stations, raid checkpoints, kill combines descretly and loot guns


Could be a DARKRP rank system, where anyone could be a combine or combine commander

Or you could go something similar to policerp, but like this:

Normal PD would be metro police, and the SWAT equivalent would be Elite combines

Prison guards would protect from raids, where soldiers go out and hunt rebels

Ranks wouldnt really exist because combines dont have ranks i think...


Someone with a mic could be over watch. Preferably someone with a funny accent

Thats all for now

Dont randomly delete this post i worked on it 

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