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Forrest- False warn appeal


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Your In-game: EMS Soileau

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:197317065

The admin's name in-game: Trooper Forrest IT
The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Forrest
What warning did you receive: combat revive
Why do you think this warn was false: 
Well I saw a request for a heal so I rushed to the scene, I revived the officer knowing nothing about the situation (And I was trying to do so in a timely manner to avoid people thinking I'm not doing my job). Soon after I brought into a sit AND WITH NO PROOF provided my warns were looked at and completely based off of the (mostly duplicated) warns I was warned. It could barley be called a "Sit" because my side of the story was completely out of the question.
Any extra information:
Proof of duplicated warns- 


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If there was shooting going on then EMS should stay back until the shooting has ended then you're allowed to go and revive the people that are down.


"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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If there was shooting going on then EMS should stay back until the shooting has ended then you're allowed to go and revive the people that are down.


LT Forrest 1A54 | SGT Trooper Forrest 1T54 | SWAT SGT Forrest XR01 | SS VCDMR Forrest XS54 | Sheriff SGT Forrest 1S15




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Ok soileau I regret my decision of not really listening to you. But it was quite obvious that u did combat revive u needed a ‘ok’ from a CP to move in so u don’t combat revive in my mind I think you should have asked if scene was code 4 don’t just rush in there during a gun fight

LT Forrest 1A54 | SGT Trooper Forrest 1T54 | SWAT SGT Forrest XR01 | SS VCDMR Forrest XS54 | Sheriff SGT Forrest 1S15




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Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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