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Drago's Sovereign Protector application

Big Drago

Should i be a Sovereign Protector / commander  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i be a Sovereign Protector / commander

    • Yes, please State your reason
    • No, please State your reason

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
Vice Sovereign Carnor Jax // Drago


2. What Regiment are you applying for?:
Royal Guard Sovereign Protector


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?:
   I want to be able to make changes to the Royal Guard, I want to help RG keep striving and growing in activity and striving as a battalion.  I wish to continue this by helping play my part and support the current command team as much can, and I feel by becoming Sovereign Protector I will be able to help in the best way possible.  I would love to help with task   whether they be big or small and teach/coach the officers how to be command members so that maybe one day they will be fit and ready to become command members themselves.


4. How much game time do you have on the server?:
 2,841:27 - https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1009230094 


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? :
 The main purposes of a commander are, firstly to lead their battalion whether that be updating rosters, and documents, and making sure all information in the documents we use day to day are up to date and ready for use for all members, or to be the ones that are in-game making sure their troops are having a fun time on the server while also following regiment rules. Secondly, Commanders are supposed to be monitoring their officer core to make sure that they are doing their tasks, being productive, and making sure that they are giving the other members and good time, and being helpful to all members. Lastly, I believe that Commanders are supposed to teach their NCOs and officers so that they know what to do and one day will be able to take over the mantle of command. Officers should look up to their command teams hence Commanders should be setting good examples for the officers so that the officers continue to do good and wish to be a good example as their command.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
 I believe I should be trusted with the position because, since my time in the Royal Guards I believe I have been very helpful, completed my tasks and quotas every time, and if IQ High command ever needs me I am there, also I believe I should be trusted because I have held my fair share of ranks [SL Drago Fury SEIF36] [SF CSL GC Drago 5736] [Current: Vice Sovereign in RG] } so I feel I am more than experienced to take on the role, as well as I feel I have to what it takes to be trusted with the position of Royal Guard CMDR.


7. How often can you be Online? :
Almost every day 


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
don't have any warnings.

Edited by Big Drago

current ranks: Vice Sovereign Carnor Jax // Drago, Tank SGT Drago TT5736, Shore HVY SGT Drago TT57

old ranks: SL Drago Fury SEIF36, SF CSL GC Drago 5736, SHGO Elder guard Aron Veisler, SO Sub Lieutenant Drago

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5 hours ago, Big Drago said:

I have been very helpful, completed my tasks and quotas every time, and if IQ High command ever needs me I am there

- In my opinion this statement right here is what is expected of any Command Member, let alone an Officer expectations, this doesn't really show 'How we can trust you' to be a Commander, more of what are you willing to bring to the branch like what roleplay have you done for the server and how can you engage your regiment to participate and communicate in certain situations with roleplay.

5 hours ago, Big Drago said:

 I want to be able to make changes to the Royal Guard, I want to help RG keep striving and growing in activity and striving as a battalion.

- This is another thing you should already be doing as a Vice Commander, you do not necessarily need to be a Commander to do this task at making changes for Royal Guards and keep Royal Guards striving and growing.

- I'd like to see you participating more and engaging in creating Passive Roleplay not just for your regiment but for the server as a whole.
- I would like to see you taking your position as a less 'Serious/Can't Have Jokes' job as I have noticed you take a lot of roleplay aspects as a way turn it back on someone as a negative towards their actions and how they operate.
- You're attitude towards being a Command member and Staff Member has always been very mixed and sometimes you blur the line to which one you are acting as.
- Personally Drago I'd like to see you actively showing and trying to deserve the position than naming the things and tasks that you should/can be doing a Vice Sovereign.


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