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The End of Me

Imperial Goblin

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Hi guys so you guys are like how many resignations have I done but this is the last one. I got school and stuff. Plus at some age I'm going to join the Police Force so that's a dream

I'm going to say some of these people's names that helped me.


                                    @Leaky, you were so great you made me feel welcome and teached me a lot of Stuff in Staff.

                                     @Will, didn't talk to you that much but keep up the good work.

                                       @[GL]MyanDaBeast, you have some of the best events.


                                      @Matilda, you helped a lot and very funny. Feel free if you want to play OW2 with me and stuff

                                       @RussTime, Great Job on Lead Admin. Keep up the great Work.


                                                                                                                                           Some Others

                                            @Craft, thanks for letting me in EMS.

                                              @Jim Pickett, Taught me a lot of stuff in staff and Event Team.

                                            @Icer, Congrauts on Staff Again. Can't wait to see you at the top.

                                             @Kleened, Great Job at Staff Interviews.

                                             @Scythe, you were so fun bro, but I'll miss you the most we could still chat in TS tho

                                              @Jack B, you bro you taught me a lot in PD, and Staff. Peace.

                                               @Ganta, Thanks for letting me in Event Team.

                                                 @Shell Simpson, we talked a lot and you were weird but fun at the same time. (Bro, you want to play a Game)

                                                   @Cinder, Bro Me moving to your server yippie. I wish you the best and hope you all PoliceRp

                                                     @Zakaruba, you were so Chill, Goodluck.

                                                                                    Thats all and me is also moving to a new server. I will say Hi to y'all but not stay in the server.

If you want a Shoutout let me know

Edited by GoblinYT
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                                                                                                                 Your One can Only

                                                                              Pyke Enforcer

                                                                          Pyke Expert Saboteur

                                                                         Purge HVY SGT [SS34]

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o7 bro goodluck in life!

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What is the difference between supper and dinner?

Current: Police Department Lieutenant, Federal Bureau Of Investigation Senior Special Agent Hostage responder Rescue Team Operator First Class , 

Special Response Team Private First Class, Secret Service Protection Officer

Past: A lot/PoliceRP SNR Mod,PoliceRP Event Team, PPD/SS Deputy Director , FBI Deputy Assistant Director , USMS CMA, STREET CRIMES UNIT!! (Chief Soup95 1K-8 😢)

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