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Tuckers Medical Vice Commander Application- Accepted


Should Tucker become a Medical Vice Commander?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Tucker become a Medical Vice Commander?

    • Yes
    • NO

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


2. What Regiment are you applying for?


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I want to become Vice Commander of medical so that i can further help the battalion grow and improve. I want to assist the current command team in making important and good changes in the battalion and to bring new ideas for improvements that can make the battalion better. This is also a battalion i care about and love, it's one of the few battalions i truly enjoy being in. I want to help keep it active and make sure it doesn't die out again like it did a couple of months ago. I also want to push the current NCOs and Officers to be the best they can be and make sure they get the recognition that they all deserve for what they have done and do for this battalion! 
As of now the battalion doesn't see a lot of SIMs or Trainings, we get some but not as much as we could get. I want to be able to host fun and larger SIMs/Trainings for medical and to further encourage NCOs and Officers to host more SIMs and Trainings aswell.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

19 weeks (according to the in game time) 

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The purpose of a Vice Commander and Commander is to make sure that the battalion is always getting better by updating the SOPs, adding new improvements and features to the battalion and making sure that the people in the battalion likes it. They should also make sure that everyone feels safe in the battalion and want to stay in it. They lead the rest of the battalion and are the role model of the battalion. The way commanders act spreads to the rest of the battalion as it shows what is "ok" and not, they should set a good example for the people in the battalion and to people outside of it.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I think I should be trusted to become a Vice Commander because I am one of people that helped revive this battalion with the help of some other members. Together we managed to increase the amount of active medical personnel by a lot. As I also stated earlier this is a battalion I love and care about and I truly want to help it become even better than it is now. I am also the lead of Research so I have already been trusted with a more important position in one of the sub branches and I have managed to get research more active since i joined it, with the help of some fellow medical and researchers. I'm one of the most active members of medical and have been since I joined so I am available to assist my fellow medical often, i am dedicated to help the server and medical. Lastly i am already trusted to be the third highest medical and and I truly think that i would be able to help medical for the better together with the current command if I were to be made Vice Commander.

7. How often can you be Online? :

7-9 hours a day
This will go down to 4-7h by the end of august but weekends will remain 7-9h.
Always available in discord.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
I have 0 warnings.


| Medical Vice Commander |EX Research Director |

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- You're a great candidate for the position of Vice Commander.

- Always doing what they can for the branch.

- Very Active

- Knows what is expected of a Senior Officer/VCMDR.

- Want's what is best for Medical.


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+ Support You are extremely passionate about your battalion, What you are doing is clearly working seeing the recent success of Medical. 

Pyke Boss Finnigan B Glorbnob Jr.

Pioneer of Pyke.

Pushing the Boundary on what's considered Roleplay Daily.

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- You're a great candidate for the position of Vice Commander.

- Always doing what they can for the branch.

- Very Active

- Knows what is expected of a Senior Officer/VCMDR.

- Want's what is best for Medical. This is good for a multitude of reasons which I cannot go into but. Tucker every time I hop on no matter what time it is I always see you on and for that I’m thankful. Medical has long overdue needed another command member poor Mr salt and bones have been running it alone. I believe with you in the picture we can prevent @harrys worst night from coming true reg medics I wish you the best of luck.

Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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- You're a great candidate for the position of Vice Commander.

- Always doing what they can for the branch.

- Very Active

- Knows what is expected of a Senior Officer/VCMDR.

- Want's what is best for Medical. This is good for a multitude of reasons which I cannot go into but. Tucker every time I hop on no matter what time it is I always see you on and for that I’m thankful. Medical has long overdue needed another command member poor Mr salt and bones have been running it alone. I believe with you in the picture we can prevent @harrys worst night from coming true reg medics I wish you the best of luck


-ST VICE COMMANDER               



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+Force Multiplier
+Flag up majority leader

-No microphone
-(A personal) Concern for burnout, physical/mental health


I'm glad you made a post to become a VCMDR. I support you all the way. I see you online all the time, and I know you try to do what is best for the battalion always. You do a lot of the majority of flag ups, and whenever you do, you try to at least do some sort of training or a SIM. You would fit the VCMDR position snugly like a glove. 

The only thing I am concerned about is how often you are on. I want to preface all of this by saying this is in no way slander. Considering time zone differences and the frequency of which you are on, I'm genuinely concerned about your health and well-being. I am also factoring in AFK time, and excluding it from my observations.

You have made an off-comment about how you skipped breakfast and, "My breakfast is now my lunch". You have also mentioned that, "I didn't sleep at all [...] It's 6am for me". Normally, for most people, I can chalk it up to them being stupid. I know you're smart though, so I am just trying to be a helpful eye to you. I don't wish for you to get burnt out, nor have it affect your physical/mental health in any way. I have zero clue about your life and age, considering it is your private information, but if this is just a school break, consider all my previous neutral statements void. 

That also brings into concern about school break, if it is. Is this school break going to last long? What happens when you go back to school and have to study? Are you managing your time well? Job? Social life? Please consider these in tandem with your position as higher leadership. 

Also, if you have the spare change, grab a microphone. It would be extremely helpful in a leadership position.

There is nothing negative I can say about you Tucker. Keep up the good work.

I want to end my rant with a massive
+Support. I hope you get the position Tucker. I'm rooting for you.

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- Tucker heard this already happened, but you deserve the position more than anyone I know!!!!






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  • Head Admin


Please speak to high command for your rank!

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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