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Buff Pump Action Shotguns - Accepted - In Progress - Completed

[GL] Elapin

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What you want to see? - Buff in Pump Action Shotguns / Decrease in Spread / Slight increase in damage for all pump action shotguns

Why should we add it? - PRP server meta has went from nova, awp, negev, to awp/m24 and a honeybadger or m4a4. Thats all a majority of players use now. The only shotguns you see players use is a DB and its not all the time too. Bring back some of the old meta weapons like Novas and make em useable again. Their spread is unpredictable is useless in a consistent fight. With the way our maps have been, its never gonna be a close range fight to the point u just run in point blank to get a shot off. TTK for shotguns still lose to rifles even when close range. 

What are the advantages of having this? - More diversity on weapons amongst players

Who is it mainly for? - All

Links to any content - dweps ....

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Accepted! Management have reviewed this and will start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post! 🙂

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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This suggestion is currently being worked on to be added in-game!


Status: In Progress

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion! ❤️


Status: Completed 🎉

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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