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Southside unblocking suggestion - Accepted - In Progress - Completed


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What you want to see? -  Unblocking the vents inside of bank and the passageways.

Why should we add it? -  It is a key component in the map and adds a lot more opportunities for people to hide in vents and to escape through the underground tunnel systems. This does not give criminals or gov a huge advantage because gov can wait outside of these passageways since there is only a couple of ways out.

What are the advantages of having this? - It brings  a lot more criminal activity since we can do more bank robberies and escape multiple ways instead of A to B.

Who is it mainly for? - Criminals

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never knew why it was blocked off in the first place


Edited by indicud


 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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+ Support

This will give a lot more fun of role play after robbing a bank of going down under the bank vault or going back up to the vent to escape from Gov etc

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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i did want to add that it should also be noted that the world prop placed over the bank exit makes robbing the bank laggy and annoying


 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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  • Manager

Accepted! Management have reviewed this and will start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post! 🙂

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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This suggestion is currently being worked on to be added in-game!


Status: In Progress

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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  • Manager

This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion! ❤️


Status: Completed 🎉

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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