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Drago - False Warn Report- Accepted


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2. Your In-game: Nico


3. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:237558683


4. The admin's name in-game: Drago


5. The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Drago


6. What warning did you receive: "RDM x1"


7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):


8. Why do you think this warn was false: No rule states that sweps are out of character.


9. Any extra information: I was warned because I killed someone for disrespecting me by flipping me off using a in-game swep. The swep is the middle finger swep, and prior to this I had never heard anybody say sweps were ooc. And I had no reason to inquire upon it because its in-game and would seem as an IC action because it happens in game and is a in game mechanic and is a common sign of disrespect which is why I would kill him. Especially with royal guard, we are taught to never tolerate disrespect to us or our VIP. If someone does disrespect us or our vip we are to kill them immediately. I also know the rulebook, partly because I used to be a GM, and also because I constantly do raids on the ISD on raider jobs, and I want to make sure I don't break rules. I was not made aware by Drago that I would've been warned because he barely said anything at the end of the sit and did not give a verdict saying I would be warned. I also attempted to talk to him about the warn multiple times after the sit and he kept ignoring me. To make sure he wasn't afk I contacted him on discord too and he did not respond. All of this being the un-written rule, the silent verdict of the staff, and the royal guard handbook not allowing us to tolerate disrespect leads me to request a warn appeal for this warn.

Here is Glorbnob flipping me off: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYAMMSNMq9cx4vlsH/d1337DiDfcAE?invite=cr-MSxoM2gsMTk0NjQ5NDcyLA
Me Attempting to talk to Drago about it:




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Two separate clips of the sit since it was too long for me to upload it in a single clip.
You might have to flip between the two clips to continue the sit but this is the best I could do since Medal restricts me.

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I listened to both sides of the story. Glorbnob told me that swaps where always rule out as a ooc thing. Nico give me clip of Glorbnob flipping him off so after that Nico a formal warning + warn

current ranks: Vice Sovereign Carnor Jax // Drago, Tank SGT Drago TT5736, Shore HVY SGT Drago TT57

old ranks: SL Drago Fury SEIF36, SF CSL GC Drago 5736, SHGO Elder guard Aron Veisler, SO Sub Lieutenant Drago

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+/- Support

-While sweps are OOC I dont think a warn should've been given, maybe a "hey Sweps ar OOC you cant kill for it, Please dont do it again"

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

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I don't think what Nico did was intentional and was just following his sop rules. While sweps are OOC still even though it is up to the staff member handling it. I really don't think a warn was necessary a verbal at best I think was needed.

Current Ranks: The Eighth Brother
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Your warn has been removed! 

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