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Ion Davis Staff Report- Denied


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Your In-Game Name: Chuck Bartowski

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93440072

Staff member's In-Game Name: Ion Davis

What did they do? I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible while providing the most detail I can to give an accurate representation of the case.

To be quite frank, I don't feel safe playing the server when this staff member is online. I recently joined the server within the past week. I've had several cases with this staff member, many of which have been troublesome. Unfortunately for these first two instances I haven't had medal running, however I had it running today.

The first issue I can remember having with Ion Davis is when a police member false warranted another cop without valid reason. The reason given to Ion Davis from the cop for why they raided the other cop's base was "because they aren't supposed to have one." This sit wasn't a big deal to me as the cop wasn't supposed to have a base anyways, but it was still a false warrant and Ion Davis pretty much said the warrant was valid, even though that's just not a real reason.

The second issue I had with Ion Davis was actually yesterday (5/29) at night. There had been a long police chase going between me and two cops. One of the cops had actually shot at my vehicle (missed supposedly, but still shot at it). They then went back into the big river/ditch on the south side of the map as that's where their vehicles had fallen. I took this opportunity on the high ground to pull out my weapon and shoot them as they had been chasing me down in a police chase and had shot at my vehicle at this point. Apparently they had called for an admin at this point to get their vehicles out of the river/ditch. Unknowing, I mowed them down. Ion Davis snatched me up and took me to a ledge, claiming that I had committed ARDM as from his point of view they just wanted their cars unstuck, he was called there, and I randomly started mowing them down. I took this opportunity to explain to him the full scenario, to which he gave zero fucks, and still jailed me. Not to mention the two cops didn't provide and proof to combat what I had stated, and even one of the cops in the situation called out the other cop's lie. I was just about done and called it a night after this. [LIMITED PROOF: SCREENSHOTS BELOW]

The third issue I had with Ion Davis was today when I created a sit for NLR after someone shot me for no reason when I walked out of spawn, tracked him down to the car dealer, and shot him up. He then came back, shot up my car, and left. I thought this was a pretty cut and dry situation with logs so I didn't have to explain much (apparently this was not the case). The first thing that set alarms off in my head was when he took my ticket and swapped jobs, a playermodel flashed near me and I'm not sure if that was him spectating me when I had just joined the server (not sure if they can even do that without admin mode) or just a visual bug, so I was already on alert and didn't feel comfortable. He then says he'll deal with it and sets me down. I tab out and once I get back in I hear the trail end of his voice and ask for him to repeat what he said as I didn't hear it. He then closed the ticket, to which I gave him a 1 star rating. I'm not sure if staff members can see their ratings or not, but once that happened he immediately came back, dragged me up, and froze me in the middle of the air. He then said they're allowed to return to the car dealer to get their car (that wasn't the problem, the problem was that they came back and shot my car up after dying there). I attempt to correct him, to which he comes out of nowhere and claims that I revenge rdm'd the player (how is this possible? I had just joined and I never died, let alone to this player).  He states that he thinks him shooting at me and me tracking him down and killing him is revenge rdm. This is when I reveal the clip and ask him how he thinks this clip shows revenge rdm. Even after all of this he then says that I just walked into the car dealer and killed him (which is true, but there's context... and I gave it to him flat out even with a clip). He then proceeds to just talk to the guy instead of jailing him, which is the complete opposite of what happened with me specifically yesterday even when I gave him full context.  Yesterday I was jailed with valid verbal context given for my kill and no rebuttal proof given from the other side, and today the person wasn't jailed with the most proof you can possibly give... [INSTANCE WITH MEDAL PROOF]

I don't think this guy actively looks into the full context for each of his sits and seems pretty careless.

Evidence (REQUIRED):
Screenshots for the 2nd issue (5/29):
https://steamcommunity.com/id/HexicDragon2/screenshot/2469740610154467935/ (cop says nobody shot at me)
https://steamcommunity.com/id/HexicDragon2/screenshot/2469740610154469283/ (2nd cop calls out his bs)
https://steamcommunity.com/id/HexicDragon2/screenshot/2469740610154470970/ (Ion Davis acting completely oblivious to the context I gave him merely minutes prior)
Videos of the 3rd issue (5/30)
Context for the videos: I've had nothing but problems with this staff member since I've joined at this point and I was just about over it, so apologies for that. Also the stuttering is likely me tabbing out.
Initial clip for the cause of the sit: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYhVYQO7czXrHdvQu/d1337YxIAvpR?invite=cr-MSx1TUIsMjM2MDQ1MjU4LA (misses the part where he shoots me due to medal's 3 minute limit, but you can see my health at the bottom right (logs back me up here))
The weird playermodel thing? Dunno if he was spectating me before when I had just joined and was doing something here or if it's a bug https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYhX2HKuucvxdsotB/d1337UbLVw4f?invite=cr-MSx0WkcsMjM2MDQ1MjU4LA
Sit w Ion Davis pt 1: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYi0ZXaVHrJqUaR8D/d1337nCPsNdB?invite=cr-MSw1bk0sMjM2MDQ1MjU4LA
Sit w Ion Davis pt 2: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYi3xM9ex-W3ny0i8/d1337qco08BG?invite=cr-MSxlY2ssMjM2MDQ1MjU4LA
Sit w Ion Davis pt 3: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYi4Yl0l0N3KbUnI3/d13378u9WZeH?invite=cr-MSxVRFEsMjM2MDQ1MjU4LA

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Strike/Removal if deemed unfit for staff

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he literally tried to explain it to you after closing the sit because you said that you didn't hear him and needed him to repeat it, he repeated it and still didnt understand your situation because you did a pretty bad job at explaining it. also, logs cant back you up if you don't provide them.

however, you shouldn't have even chased him to kill him, you should have called a sit there was no need to chase him into a safe zone and kill him, especially if you can not prove he shot you.




 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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Posted (edited)




he literally tried to explain it to you after closing the sit because you said that you didn't hear him and needed him to repeat it, he repeated it and still didnt understand your situation because you did a pretty bad job at explaining it. also, logs cant back you up if you don't provide them.

however, you shouldn't have even chased him to kill him, you should have called a sit there was no need to chase him into a safe zone and kill him, especially if you can not prove he shot you.


Logs can almost definitely back up my story. If you watched the second to last clip, you would see that he claimed that I revenge rdm'd the player. This was prior to me beginning to elaborate on the situation as I thought it was fairly cut and dry in logs. With this knowledge, it's safe to assume that he already had the knowledge of him shooting me prior. It should've been clear in logs that he only shot me once and didn't kill me, thus making this out of the blue "revenge rdm" accusation wild. Logs at the very LEAST prove that it wasn't revenge RDM with the timeframes and the fact that I didn't even die before I killed him. As for "especially if you can not prove he shot you", the logs have a damage portion to show this specifically, making this easy on the administrator to deduce this portion of the situation. Now if we go to the end of the 2nd to last clip he says "You literally walked into the car dealer and shot him :sob:" I had valid reason to go kill him as we had an rp scenario beforehand. Lastly, this doesn't excuse the unfair difference in punishments especially given that mine wasn't even a valid punishment and I GAVE context, and this one had proof to the fullest extent. He also had no valid reason to shoot me in the first place, but that wasn't dealt with either.

Edited by HexicDragon2
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@Ion DavisYour side?



Chief of Police || Police RP Super Admin


State Police Colonel || EMS Chief || CERT Commander || DOC Warden || SRT Captain || Head Dispatcher || SWAT Sargeant First Class || DF CPL

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First Situation:
A sit was made for a "false warrant", but the person warranted was an on-duty SRT Master Sergeant. To my knowledge, there was illegal items in the SRT Member's base that he could not destroy (ex. illegal miners). To destroy these items, the other government members needed a warrant to get into the doors. I forgot the exact reason the warrant was made, but I do remember consulting with the person who made it, and they said their reason was to remove the illegal items from the S.R.T.'s base. 


Situation #2:

A sit was made for "Stuck", this is a sit we all come across often. Per normal protocol, I arrive cloaked and ask the person who made the sit, "Hi, may I have buddies?" and while he was giving me buddies, this person peaks over the edge and starts laying down fire onto the person in the sit and others. After thoroughly checking logs for about 10 minutes or so, the ONLY combat instigation I could find is from him shooting the government just then. I didn't really see [OOC] for the sole reason of me scrolling through logs looking for any signs of combat between Government and him. Any evidence other than what he was saying is absent. One person in [OOC] is saying the Government shot, the other member of Government is saying he didn't. There was zero proof of anything other than what I had initially witnessed.image.thumb.png.ac86fac14281274761d3b08b238e2d7b.png


Situation #3:

Regarding the "constantly watching you" comment, staff Senior-Admin and above are the ONLY people who are able to use no-clip and cloak off job. I had no way other than practically zooming in on you with a sniper. But anyways, the sit was made for "NLR - New Life Rule". The person returned to car dealer to retrieve a car after death. However, there is a few things which come into play in this situation. First of all, I take the sit and put him on a roof. Although it's not shown in the clip, I asked him many times "Hello, how can I help you?" and "Tell me what happened?" to which he did not reply. Once he began talking he had already sent me the clip so to allow him to get back to whatever he was doing, I dropped him where he was. Then I go to review this clip https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYhVYQO7czXrHdvQu/LJPjpFCQk34t?invite=cr-MSx1TUIsMjM2MDQ1MjU4LA?mobilebypass=true . Which if anyone watches, you see a guy walking to car dealer, and then go into the actual NPC, then getting mowed down by this guy. Granted after reviewing logs I did find that about a minute or two maybe before what you see in the clip, they guy did shoot him once or so. In which, Chuck pulled a Spas out of his inventory and went over to car dealer just to kill him. The guy who initially ARDM'd should have had a sit on him for it, but that was not the case here. Eventually I gave a verbal warning to both as they were both minor offenses. I verbally warned "2001 Lexus" for "NLR and ARDM" and I verbally warned Chuck for "Rev. RDM" and highly encouraged him to make a staff sit next time.




In all instances, the logs were thoroughly reviewed and compiled with the rest of the evidence per situations. I am unable to see every single shot someone fires, or every single car they enter. The only time a log is shown is if someone actually damages you (referring to the second situation.) 


~ Ion Davis


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[QUOTE] (Ion Davis | Situation #1)
"I forgot the exact reason the warrant was made, but I do remember consulting with the person who made it, and they said their reason was to remove the illegal items from the S.R.T.'s base. "
This is just untrue. I wish I had a clip of this scenario, but I don't so I can't say anything but you're lying here. I was there in the sit, and his only explanation was "he's not supposed to have a base", to which you agreed that's a valid reason.

[QUOTE] (Ion Davis | Situation #2)
"Any evidence other than what he was saying is absent. One person in [OOC] is saying the Government shot, the other member of Government is saying he didn't. There was zero proof of anything other than what I had initially witnessed."
So like I had argued against this in the sit with you, I will make the same point here. If there's valid context to a cop arresting a criminal and the criminal calls a ticket just before they're arrested and you just see that go down, would you consider that RDA? I gave you the fullest extent of the context to the situation, yet you didn't seem to care at all. Not to mention that the other party had absolutely nothing to combat my context and even one of the cops supported my context. Your logic makes no sense here.


[QUOTE] (Ion Davis | Situation #3)
"In which, Chuck pulled a Spas out of his inventory and went over to car dealer just to kill him. The guy who initially ARDM'd should have had a sit on him for it, but that was not the case here. Eventually I gave a verbal warning to both as they were both minor offenses. I verbally warned "2001 Lexus" for "NLR and ARDM" and I verbally warned Chuck for "Rev. RDM" and highly encouraged him to make a staff sit next time."

I went to the car dealer to kill him BECAUSE he shot me. Him shooting me makes me able to KOS him. Why would you "verbally warn" me for revenge RDM if I had not committed revenge rdm? I had valid reason to kill him as he had shot me, I had not died from the first shot. Additionally, why does he only get a verbal warning for committing two offenses versus my ONE offense yesterday that I didn't even commit as there was complete context to the situation that wasn't rebuttled against?

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