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Captain Waltan Dorn's Security Officer Application.

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What is your in-game name?: Waltan Dorn

What is your SteamID: 76561198807762266

What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Captain. (COL Equiv.)

What can you do to assist Shock and DT?: Ensure that the recruitments efforts of both battalions take a noticeable increase after my joining to the Security Officer Corps. Once acceptable I was ensure to check with both the Command team of The Death Troopers and the Command team of the Shock Trooper Corps. Seeing where the battalions lie in recruitment, activity, and the methods they use to recruit to see where if any improvements can be made. I would need to also speak with the respective commands teams to inspect if any changes have been made since my last term as a Security Officer.

Why should you be trusted as a Security Officer?: I was trusted as one before, I see no reason now as to why I shouldn't be given the chance again. The issue that led to my previous removal has been appealed, and the strike was entirely removed. When I was previously a Security Officer I maintained a steady flow of contact with both battalions and their specializations to see how much I could get done in the day. I did everything within my Security Officer ranking ability and Naval Officer ranking to accomplish the most work in the shortest amount of time.

Why do you want to be a Security Officer?: I want to show that since my previous removal from Security Officers I have progressed as a person and am ready to prove myself again, by not only being accepted back but by keeping my spot and showing I can do great work for my Command team and Sub-Battalion Command, if accepted.

What is your purpose as a Security Officer?: To ensure that the Imperial Laws are followed without bias, and to ensure that Shock and Death Troopers have the numbers they need with the training they need to be at their peak efficiency.

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes.

Do you understand that failure to approach an SSO+ within a week will result in Application Acceptance being VOID?: Yes.

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