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Terran's Gamemaster Application


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In-game name: SO CPO Terran

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:95355327

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Imperial Navy - Chief Petty Officer - Security Officers

Have you donated to the server?: Yes, I am a Darth

Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No, I have not.

Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: I do not have any.

How much time do you have on the server?: In-game it says 2 Days but I've been a member of the community since 2019 that's when I bought Darth. But my forms account is only a month old.

How well do you know the LORE? Explain: Like any other member of the community, no one knows 100% of the lore it would take them years to understand the lore inside an out, but I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to Star Wars Lore from Old Republic, Clone Wars, Imperial, First Order and Last Order. I'm familiar with some lore on legends and some lore on expanded universe with the Star Wars Genre. So I know my boundaries and I know what I am doing when it comes to the knowledge behind the Lore. 

Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I've been a member of the community since 2019 but a member of Imperial RP for a month now, I'm a Chief Petty Officer apart of the Imperial Navy as a Security Officer. I've been really thinking about being a Game Masters the last few days and I recently orchestrated a Training Exercise involving 501st Troopers and Commandos Storming the Bridge in an attempt to Eliminate Emperor Palpatine to test the response time and response reaction of his Guards. I've gotten a few mentions from 501st and the commandos and Palpatine saying it was a good little skirmish and 501st thought I should apply to become a Game Master to introduce other similar exercises or any Events that I think would be fun for the player base to enjoy. I've been a Game Master before and I do find it fun to see how people are enjoying the events you create and it brings a certain happiness to the community.

Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I don't have alot to say about this, The only thing I can say for you to trust me as a Game Master is I am knowledgeable behind Star Wars Lore and I am familiar on details and how interactions should be handled, along with that I am pretty detailed when it comes to RP in events, I sometimes offer the most RP roles to people being small Shop Owners with mottos and being Rebel Troopers attacking or defending against the Empire. I don't see myself getting into trouble or ruining my reputation amoungst the community or to the fellow people I talk to almost everyday.

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes, I am very familiar with ULX as I am a Developer myself working on a new Administration Menu and I also know how to make new ULX commands into a new set of modules and functions. Most of the servers I've been staff or game masters throughout the years have used either ULX or SAM and my knowledge behind them both is greatly efficient.

Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: As stated above in my previous paragraphs, I know what it means to be a Game Master in a community and the seriousness that it comes with. I know how GMs Function and how they are supposed to function with coordinating with other members of RP Command and other GMs to be a efficient team and to provide the most out of a event. Over the course of 14 Years that I have been playing Gmod, I have been a Game Masters 9 of those years. I started being a Game Master backing during Nutscript and the original Clone Wars Server on ASG.

Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event:
[ On-Ship ]
- As the is docked to a Imperial Space Dock for its routine inspection of its enteral systems and external hull. Imperial Crews would be loading the Consilio with resources from rations, fuel, ammo and parts, and anything that of the battalions have privately requested. Once the Inspections and Resources are finished the Consilio will disembark from the Imperial Space Dock and initiate its hyper drives to a reported site of Rebel Activity (Asteroid Fields) as the Consilio comes out of Hyper Space, The Naval Crew starts experiencing glitches with their consoles and systems, preventing them from interacting with the Weapon Systems and Engines essentially leaving the Consilio adrift in known hostile environment. As Navy begins figuring out the situation with their consoles, all suddenly the lights on the bridge and throughout the ship will immediately shut-off, and the rest of the players can hear the engines powering down and can feel a sudden pull as their drives shut-off only displaying emergency power lights (Amber Color). This would have be a immediate call for the Bridge to dispatch units to the Engine Room for further examinations as to why the reactor to the ship has powered off. In the immense of chaos amoungst the troopers and the navy. The Consilio would be struck by a large turbolaser round from a Rebel Cruiser. As the Navy hurries to fix their systems and bring power online, the troopers in the engine room find out that the controls systems to the reactor powering network were slashed by a lightsaber. This would trigger the response of the Inquisitors to do a through search of the ISD, for a Force User with a lightsaber, as they search they begin going sector by sector, deck by deck, room by room looking for the individual and as the search becomes dull, Navy reports of a Jedi on the Bridge with a Lightsaber. The Inquisitors & Red Guards would be dispatched to the bridge to handle the uninvited guest while the Engineers repair the consoles to bring power back to the ISD. As the Inquisitors and Red Guard reach the Bridge they are in a predicament as the uninvited guests have 2 Veteran Rebel Commandos with them as the entire Navy Crew Hostage. As a few minutes goes by for their release and the Jedis immediate surrender, the engineers have successfully (with the right rolls) restored the panels and have initiated the power connection to the reactor, slowly bringing online all major systems (Seeing how most Engineering Panels would have backup Systems to initialize). The Lights come on in the Bridge and the and Troopers and Jedi are quickly caught off guard for a moment allowing the Inquisitors or Red Guard to force push the intruders away from the navy crewman. As the Inquisitors and Jedi engage in a lightsaber battle along with the Rebel Troopers the Navy Crewman would sneak into the pits to bring online the ray shields to the ISD, and restore power to the weapon systems to immediately engage all rebel ships in the vicinity of the ISD. Once the ISD have successfully destroyed the Rebel Ships and have either killed off or captured the rebel intruders, the navy crew would take the ISD to a Imperial Shipyard to fix whatever remaining systems and or any damage to the reactor. (This next part is if they capture them) While the ISD is in Hyperspace, ISB and the other Inquisitors and such would begin interrogating the Intruders to find out that the way they got in was through a Storm Trooper Lieutenant using their code cylinders to hide them in the engine room in a crate until they were in hyperspace. 


- As the Consilio is currently drifting in space during a routine patrol, they receive a message from Lothals Governor as he states that rumors are spreading that their is a known rebel cell being built in his city, and that he is requesting the presence of the Consilio and her forces to contain the spreading out-break of this rumor. The Current Naval Leader sends a message for all Vice Commander+ Units to report to the Bridge for a mission command briefing before he/she orders the ship to the Briefing Room. As Naval representative shows the command members the holographic message and notifies them of the recent reports coming from Lothals Imperial Garrison, he is gonna engage the hyperdrives and sent a course to the Lothal System to begin a total Imperial Occupation Order on the City. Once the rest of the ship has been informed of the situation and the Consilio has exited Hyperspace over Lothal. The Consilio and her crew will prepare dropships to be taken to the Imperial Ground base for further Imperial Presence, Once on the Ground Base. The Imperial Ground Commanders will suit and gear up the troopers for a door to door breach on the City of Lothal in search of this rebel cell and eradicate all those who oppose the Empire. As the mission goes underway, the Ground Commander will get a message of a anonymous civilian giving the location of the rebel cell and notifying them of 3 Known Jedi's on the planet and gives the Ground Commanders insight that the Rebel Cell and the Jedis plan on taking full control over Lothal and using the Cities defenses to fire upon any Imperial Vessel that comes into Low Orbit of the city. As the Ground Commanders rally all the troopers to send forth to these coordinates/location of the rebel cell, the Ground Commanders will inform the Inquisitors, Purge and Red Guards about the 3 Known Jedi's, saying that they will be here but they don't know their level of skill or who they may have been previously. As the troopers move onto the Rebel Cells location, they suddenly get pinned down by blaster fire from a Rebel Anti-Infantry Emplacement gun, pinning down the troopers, resulting in the Ground Commanders requisitioning a Tank to the location for fire support. Once the gun has been taken out the troopers will move in on the fleeing rebels slowly taking them out one by one until they reach the source of the Rebel Cell being an Old Lost Jedi Temple, the 3 Jedi's standing in the grand chambers the middle of the temple, showing off that all 3 of them are previous Jedi Masters, and their elite bodyguards of Veteran Rebel Commandos. The Inquisitors and the Imperial Garrison engage, the Rebels in a frontal engagement, as hours goes by (In-game Minutes) the commandos and jedi fall to the ground as the Inquisitor find a data-tablet once they connect to it and see the Governor has been in full contact with the Jedi Rebellion and purposely allowed them into the City. Trying to say that he will assist the Jedi in their efforts to cleanse the empire of the Consilio and her forces. Leading the charge onto the Imperial Garrison base and the apprehension of the Imperial Governor for High Treason. (I'll let this RP on its own)

Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example):
1. !give [TARGET] [ITEM] [QUANITY] << If there is any quanity.
- !give Terran weapon_e11d

Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example):
1. !model [TARGET] [MODEL]
- !model Terran MODEL_PATH

Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes

Edited by Terran
Updated RP Rank

[ Imperial Roleplay ]

Overseer of Fleet Intel & Security | Vice Admiral of the Imperial Navy

IMPRP: Moderator | IMPRP: Game Master - 0

Community Support Team

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Application Accepted.

Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained.

Welcome to the Gamemaster team.

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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