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Ka0t6t's Shock Vice Commander Application- Accepted


Should Ka0t6t be Vice Commander?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Ka0t6t be Vice Commander?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

Shock ERUVL Major Ka0t6t


2. What Regiment are you applying for?



3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

From when I joined Shock I love the day to day challenges and dealing with the people, I would like to maintain and promote the enjoyment for Shock and everyone aboard the ISD. I enjoy helping and taking the time teaching the new people in shock and the server to the best of my abilities. I feel I can do this on a much bigger scale as a Vice Commander steering Shock in a more effective and engaging direction. In the server I spend more than 95% of my time on shock and I have been doing that since I joined. I intend to spend this time striving to improve shock, making good changes and acting on and providing good feedback from everyone to make all the aspects of shock better for everyone. I wish to improve and maintain in the duties of the NCO and Officer corps since to improve shock the whole battalion needs to be working fluently with each other so the COC is maintained and the battalion is not reliant on a couple of people for its success.


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

1 week 


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The Vice Commander of Shock is the right hand man of the Commander. They assist the commander in anything he needs, dividing up responsibilities to ease the workload. They act in lou of him when he is gone leading and representing the shock battalion. They maintain the quality of the officers/nco/enlisted and that they are performing their intended roles to good specifications. They make sure the SOP is updated and is being followed and understood in the day to day operation of shock.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I have maintained shock values of professionalism, fairness in both myself and those under my command on a smaller scale as an officer. I pride myself in making sure fellow shocks are using their powers justly and that they are knowledgeable in the aspects needed for shocks duties. I put a focus on making sure their quota activities are done to a high standard which is integral for the next generation of shock to both learn the best way to do their duties and enjoy playing on shock. I also have good conflict resolution skills and can help solve situations that may arise. Overall I think with a clean record of no disciplinary action and my 2 months of continuous active work at each level of shock shows my drive to serve shock steadfastly.


7. How often can you be Online? :

On average 4 hours a day and more usually on weekends, I also never afk on server so all my time is actively playing.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 

Yes I have 14 warnings on Police RP they consist of Fearrp,Failrp,LTAP,Dis. They were all from approximately 7 years ago and I have changed a lot since then.

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overall good app 

 shows dedication to the battalion 

Current: SF Vice Marshall Razor


EX: Nova Black Hole Squadron Officer CPT Razor , Purge Heavy Lead 1st LT Worth,

Med SSGT Worth

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  Current: None
R. Right Hand R. COL Tank
Ex. Genral, Ex. First Ever Tank CMDR, EX. 3RD Ever Gov. Ex. Senior CMDR
Ex. Storm Trooper VCMDR / Ex. Shore LD / Ex. Scout Captain / Ex. STRM Commando Captain

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  • Head Admin


Please speak to high command for your rank!

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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