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Colonel Wub/FS1's Purge Vice Commander Application


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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Purge COL Wub/FS1

2. What Regiment are you applying for?: I am appying for Purge Vice Commander.

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?: I want to become a Vice Commander of Purge because I am deeply invested in this branch as a whole. I have had so much fun up until now just playing as a purge. I never really thought I would be making a Vice Commander App or even becoming a Colonel but it has been a wild experience, I never believed I could make it up this far. I have worked my way up to the Fireteam Spectre Lead which is insane to me! I know it will be tough leaving them if I make Vice Commander but I believe they will flourish with whoever their new leader is. I truly want to better the battalion and I believe I am ready to take the next step as a leader. If I am able to even make a small change for the betterment of the branch I would be very happy, I really want to work alongside the command team to help purge and IQ thrive. As a Vice Commander, I would love to assist my fellow command whenever possible, I love helping others whether it be decision-making, note-taking, document work, or just giving my opinion on something. Overall I really wanna be more involved within Purge and IQ, I want to improve and contribute more to the branch altogether

4. How much game time do you have on the server?: As of posting this I have 284 Hours on the server.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?: The primary role of a vice commander is to function as the second-in-command for a branch, providing the commander support in leadership, and decision-making within the branch. The vice commander plays a crucial role in leadership consistency by being prepared to assume command responsibilities when the time comes. The vice commander acts as a guide to officers, helping them with any issues they have, as well as making sure officer and NCOs are getting quota done, making sure no one is breaking any rules and ensuring relations in side the branch are well. The vice commander coordinates branch activities and partnerships to improve and achieve collective goals across the branch. Vice Commanders assist their fellow command team in making sure the branch is healthy and running perfectly.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I believe I should be trusted as a Vice Commander because I feel I have enough experience as well as motivation to help this branch prosper. I am very hard working and I am super dedicated to this branch. My knowledge has grown exponentially since my first time on GamingLight, I've improved my leadership skills through my time here and can handle challenges and conflicts effectively. I want to strengthen communication and teamwork among our members. I believe I can use my skills and passion to help our branch thrive and succeed. I love meeting new players and I believe I have a great attitude towards everyone. I love having fun and messing around when the time is right but when I need to I can be serious. I am very sociable and outgoing, I can be a face for the branch and give new people a warm welcome, first impressions are everything. I believe in leading by example and creating a welcoming atmosphere where members feel respected and encouraged to contribute their ideas. I have never broken the rules or received a strike in the branch. I am always open to feedback and eager to learn from others to continually improve myself and the branch. My goal is to inspire and empower our members to achieve their fullest potential. I want to help everyone in the branch be at their best and help them at their lowest, I hope to be an even bigger role model to the troopers than I am now. I am committed to creating a positive and inclusive environment within the branch, ensuring that every member feels valued and supported in their roles. I sincerely believe I am a good fit for this role due to my experience, knowledge, attitude and dedication to the branch as well as my clean record.

7. How often can you be Online?: I can be on about 3-6 hours everyday.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): I do not have any warnings.

Edited by wubb
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