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Singular NPC Spawning Tool


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What do you want to see?: A tool that allows people to spawn one NPC at a time

Why should we add it?: I believe a way for Gamemasters or anyone hosting SIM/Events the tool would be very beneficial, with Simulations most are done in small areas and if you want to put down NPCs in the small area they NPCs normally get stuck in each other, get stuck in a wall, no collide the props, or take tons and tons of spawns for them to fit in those areas. I also think this tool would be just overall very useful for Gamemasters.

What are the advantages of having this?: There is many advantages to having a tool that would allow you to spawn NPCs one at a time. Firstly, the NPC Placement, right now it is super hard to face NPCs a Certain way or have them in certain formations without it taking 3+ minutes for a singular spawn pad. With a way to spawn NPCs one by one you could fit them into smaller areas, spawn them in formations, and avoid NPCs no-colliding  your Props. Another advantage of having this tool would assist with pre-spawning NPCs, with the spawn pads it takes more NPCs per pad but with this you could easily spread out of the NPCs more and not have to worry about Ground Command making 20 OOC Announcements about not pushing up to far or people just running past the droids as they would already be there.  I think with the NPCs being one by one events could be a lot more realistic and there wouldn't just be red and green pads scattered all over the floor and NPCs appearing out of mid air as they would already be in just the players sight.

Who is it mainly for?: Gamemasters, JMT & SMT

Links to any content: N/A (All the Ones of Workshop didn't function well)

Edited by Noshow

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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  • Head Admin

Will make it easier to setup npc in tight areas

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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