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Ganta false warn report- Denied


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Your In-game: Strider/Struder

The admin's name in-game: Ganta


The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Ganta


What warning did you receive: malicious intent


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):


Why do you think this warn was false: I got warned for malicious intent because I "jokingly" said for someone to "Alt F4  or !report". looking back I should have refrained from saying that when said player asked how to call staff. With this I would also like to point out that this is not a rule in the MOTD but I would say it is common knowledge that I should have known. I was in no way intending to be malicious to player and I just wanted to make a "joke" that was not appropriate for the situation.


Any extra information: If its not possible to get the warn removed I am asking if it could get renamed from "malicious intent" to "Falsifying information" As I felt like Intent would be hoping for a bad out come that I was not.

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