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Rev's | Trial Senior Guard Application

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What is your in game name?

Shadow Guard TRN VI Rev

What is your in game rank?

Shadow Guard TRN VI | SGM [At the time of this application]

Are you in either Shadow Guard or Saber Guard?

I am in the Shadow Guards

How long have you been in Royal Guard?


I have currently rejoined the battalion and this has been from the 6th of January 2024, however I have been in the battalion for a total of mealy two years.

Permissions? (REQUIRED: You must receive permission from 2 Lore Senior Guard+ to apply for officer}

  • Sov Ved Kennede 
  • Vic Sov Clarence

Why do you want to become a Trial Senior? [150+ words]

I am apply to become a Trial Senior Guard again to make a new achievement for myself by seeing how far I can go within the server with my time, dedication and love for the community. I am also apply for the position to assist the battalion with my past experience and knowledge I have for the server and the battalion. With this I know I can help new members and current members of the Royal Guard with the experience I have to better them, myself and even other new or old in many different ways. 

I am also apply for the position to help other members higher ranking or lower where I can. This can be in the for of training, suggestions for the battalion or even help the command team where and when needed. I believe as said above I can do this due to past experience being part of the Royal Guard Command team, however I know stuff has changed since I was in that position, but this opportunity will allow me to get updated and assist where I can.

How could you assist Royal Guard command with this rank? [100+ words]

I believe I can assist the battalion in many different ways. This is with experience for the Gaming light Imperial RP server and other community's/clans where I have had command/leadership experience.  

I believe I can bring a fresh set of eye for the view point and suggestions of the Royal Guard battalion. This will hopefully allow the battalion command to make changes the help other members or new members of the battalion have a fun and great experience when in the battalion. I also believe  I can bring a lot more presence to be be seen by others for the battalion, die to me being on the server 8-12+ hours a day. I believe is shows that the battalion is fun and make other want to join us to see what we get up to and inspire others.


  • Fresh point of view
  • new suggestions
  • Have a fresh voice for other in the battalion
  • assist new or current members

How many strikes do you have?

I have no strikes at all for the battalion, this is also my only battalion and have no other strikes in any other battalions.

Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer? (If yes, explain)


As shown above I have been a member of this battalion before for sometime and worked my way up. With this experience I believe I will be a great fit for to position. I also have other experience in other games. I have listed some below.

  • Halo Clan community | Joined 2005 | Became a clan leader in 2013 and retired in 2021 | Admin role, training people, meetings, raids, map creation, community meetings, hosting recruitment, checking up on members, Changing rules/documents and more.
  • Arma 3 Milsim | Joined 2018 | I have joined a few British regiments and most of them I achieved the rank of a officer or NCO.| Training new people, leading section, company or platoon attacks, creating training documents, attending briefings or issuing briefings. 

What Qualifications could you bring too the Royal Guard Officer Team?

  • Being able to create documents
  • Leadership experience 
  • Communication skills
  • Being able to listen to others
  • Voicing others suggestions

Do you understand that the officer corps is a serious commitment with a lot of responsibilities (Including but not limited to: handing out Promotions and Punishments, and required attendance to the weekly meeting)?

I do understand and try to meet the battalions standers current and future changers. I will also attend meeting, unless with a valid reason.

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  

I understand and hope to meet the expectations of the position and the battalion as needed.



Edited by The one and only Rev
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                                                                                                                             Please speak to a MAJ+ for training

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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