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Doggo's 48hrs for USMS


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The good times can only last for so long. I am sad to say but it is my time to depart from the server. I am glad to have met the amazing people who make up USMS and proud to say I was a Heavy specialty ( the best specialty.) But sadly due to work, school and personal reasons I believe it is my time to leave. 

Thank you for the compassion and respect everyone has shown me,



@ScruffyPlays- I wish I had the time to write endless details about you but I can simplify it. You are an amazing, supportive and caring individual. I believe USMS will continue to grow under your guidance. 

@Romero IFN.GG- I have always enjoyed when Grandpa Romero would come to town and cause havoc. Also when you would sell your daughters chocolates and I would buy $100k worth.

@Lowerguy- You make me so mad sometimes and I even feel like throwing hands with you but overall you have my respect.

@codeine- I wish you luck in your journey and I am sad that I will not be able to steal your car any more :(.

@Ion Davis- You will always have a special place in my heart even though you went Into reserves you were always willing to talk to me in discord.

@snappy- They say save the best for last so here it is thank you. I appreciated the way you would run heavy and always tried to get people on and motivated. I believe you have the potential to do anything you put your mind to. Always feel free to reach out to me whenever you want.

Sorry I have so much to say about everyone and wish I could go detail by detail but I do not wanna bore anyone. I am so proud to have been apart of USMS and the people who make it and will continue to make it grow. Just know I appreciated you all equally ( maybe heavys a little more) and hope you all continue to grow

Edited by Doggo761
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Past: USMS Chief Marshal Administrator | Secret Service Assistant Director| EMS Lieutenant |EMS Assistant Head FTO | FBI Special Agent In-Charge | FBI FTO Training Deputy Director | HRT Sergeant First Class | SWAT Private | DOC Sergeant CO | State Trooper | UMC Level 2 Mercenary

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I'm fucking with you (as usual) I hope I can see you around and continue to mess with you, but I hope you continue to have fun on the server and in your life. You got promoted with me as we both went up in ranks we continued to be friends. Thank you for your time on USMS, o7 brother hope to see you around.


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