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Dexters ban appeal.- Denied


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JIIM dexter d
a week.

I think my ban should be revoked or shortened because. Matilda was doing the same thing, she made a pride flag and had a arrow pointing into a dumpster. The message every normal individual would take from that is that she is trying to say something about the lgbtq flag being garbage. I think that if I don't get unbanned, matilda should get the same week ban like I did since she was being homophobic. The reason I did what I did is because, if Matilda is doing it as a admin, I didnt think it would hurt if I did it. Aren't admins supposed to lead us and be rolemodels on how we should be acting on the server. I know this probably doesn't do anything to my situation or Matilda because she is a admin with diplomatic immunity against every consequence. Another Incident where she was talking bad abt me, I said something back along the words of "shutup you idiot" or something like that, and she jailed and gagged/muted me. Doesn't make sense how admins can break every single rule with no consequence for their actions, but as soon as a user with no donations does something he saw another admin do. He gets banned for a week. So if my ban can't be reduced are shortened, I atleast think Matilda should get the same consequence for being homophobic aswell. I am sorry to whoever took it as me being a homophobe, I dont care about anyones sexual choices. Im just young and dumb and didnt realize how that a joke could've been tooken simply out of context, I really intended for it to be a joke, I now realize that it wasn't funny.


Sincerely, dexter d


Edited by weapon_ak47
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I was driving near spawn at the time that i saw you place down that sign that says "being gay sucks" there was no flag up at the time... and if the flag you are referring to she didnt even make that flag, it was someone else that is gay that was sitting on the dumbster at the time...  you can even see from the screen shot that LT Russtime made the arrow, not even her and if you are talking about this flag that was done a couple of weeks later where yet again she didnt make it



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Hi there, let me explain some things.

Firstly, I was not the person who created the pride flag with a arrow pointed towards the dumpster/the person sitting on the dumpster. It was @Nicc who is gay, that made it (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3116685248, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3100630843) and as far as I've understood it is pointing at him and not in any way meaning anything bad about being gay. Your sign stated "being gay sucks" (https://imgur.com/a/b7zMCHP) which I and other staff understood as homophobia. It was completely unnecessary for you to even put that sign up from the beginning.

Secondly, you have been nothing but rude against me but the ban was not based on how you have acted towards me up until this point. I don't believe that it has anything to do with your ban other than you reaching your ban threshold (10 warn ban).

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