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Axle's Resignation


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I've been on Gaminglight on and off for a little over three and a half years now, and I have dedicated a lot of time to the server. I've been a part of every battalion on the server except SF (sorry, Fred) and it's honestly been a great experience. I've spent the last six months of my life grinding for my fellow gaminglighters and my only regret is that I couldn't have spent more time with the server. Those who know me know I had much further ambitions for my time here, but real life always has to come first, and I hope that everyone can understand that. I hope that one day when life slows down I can return to the server and maybe even one day achieve my goal of reaching high command, but for now that will remain a distant goal. I would love to say more but I'm honestly at a loss for words here. In the end, no words can express the experience I've had with Gaminglight, and it's probably best to just leave it there.

Tuna, thank you for always being there for me, even since day 1 as a Shock trainee you were always nice to me, and have continued to do so throughout the last few months. I know I made some mistakes along the way, but when I did you always showed me the way. You were one of the few constants in my Gaminglight experience, and I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me and the server.

Jabronie, Sorry I didn't get to know you better. I really did look forward to going to naval high command under you, but I would rather you lost me now before I gained a rank of significance, than later when my resignation could have a more widespread effect on the server. 

Cans and Antonoff, take care of Shock for me. Even if I won't be active on the server anymore, I'll still be a reserve Shock Colonel, and you can always come to me with any questions, or if you just want to play other games with me in the future. 

Jerry, you've been with me since day one (more like three, but who cares,) and you were one of my closest friends throughout my time here, even if you're cringe as hell, anyway. You aren't safe from me, I will continue to harass your dms every chance I get, consider this a threat.

Zach and Venus, You probably aren't reading this, and that's ok, but I'd like to thank you anyway. I couldn't have made it where I am now without your support, your decisions were the first in the chain of events that put me where I am now, and despite our occasional differences, I have never and will never forget that. Wherever you two are now, I wish you good luck. 

To all of Shock, I bestow to you the Shock oath, whether or not you choose to recite it is your decision. 
I will never forget my roots, the red baton will always reign supreme, be red or be dead. 

To all of my fellow Gaminglighters:

Gaminglight is my life.

I die for my Gaminglighters.

It's some real shit.

I meet the love of my life here, I gain friends here, I mature, it's all part of the Gaminglighter life.

Axle, signing off.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former Senior Commander

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

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  • Head Admin

Sad to see you go brother! I hope your future is full of happiness, and we appreciate all you've done! Vode an!

Current: I High General Core I I IC R COL 3877 Core I I Head Admin I I Senior Gamemaster I I Senior Forum Diplomat I
Previous: I Senior Commander Core I I IC Commander Boss I I IC ES01 CPT 3877 Core I I Delta 62 VCMDR Scorch I I K2S4 SK387 I I Shock CSM SK387 Khan I



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 former-Royal Guard XII Carol 501st HVYL Carol 501ST LTCOL Carol ST 2LT Carol Staff/GM team Former-MOD GM IIx2


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Gaminglight has suffered a great loss today. Axle I wish you luck in your new real life adventures. Never forget we’re still married. I’ve also been playing gaminglight for around 3 years now. Prior to September I had been on a break since January, I will never forget my first Shock Vice Commander who, since day 1, has been nothing but kind.


Dont worry about Shock, me and cans will hold down the fort. You are always welcome back into Shock if you want it. 


If I never see you again I would like to leave you with this: “Trumpet is a mid instrument” - Shock VCMDR Antonoff


Goor Luck and farewell


[  Shock Vice Commander |  Imperial Admin | Imperial Gamemaster ]


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