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Bank Suggestion


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What do you want to see?:A bank added to Lothal where criminals and Pyke can store items. The size could be the same size as the inventory or could have variance base on Donation Rank.

Why should we add it?: It would give a bit more flexibility to Pyke and criminals allowing them to have more saved items especially with refiners and drug dealers gives them the ability to make a full inventory/ have a full inventory of product while not having to get rid of valuable items they have. It also can add a element of strategy on what to bring on a raid and not having to have something that is situational always in your inventory. 

What are the advantages of having this?: Give criminals and Pyke more storage

Who is it mainly for?: criminals and Pyke

Links to any content: I'm pretty sure with the current Inv system a bank can already be set up but if it cant, https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/itemstore-inventory-bank-and-trading-for-darkrp

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