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Keypad Cracker Suggestion - Denied


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What do you want to see? - I want to see SMT adjust the coding for the keypad cracker and make the sound have a max radius of around 5 meters.
Why should we add it? - It would allow criminals to raid without worrying about Meta-Gaming players.
What are the advantages of having this? - Reduces Meta-Gaming
Who is it mainly for? - Everybody
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Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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1 hour ago, Mr. Rob said:


it would help out with metagaming 


Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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14 hours ago, Mr. Rob said:


it would help out with metagaming 

Reacting to the sound of the keypad cracker is considered meta gaming? I'll +support it but I though it was just part of raiding. That's like saying you can't react to the EMP grenade because you didn't physically see it just heard it go off. 

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