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Inactive CCs have default models that better represent the branch of the CC - Accepted [Completed]


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What are you suggesting? - Inactive model for a CC is changed to represent what branch the CC is for

CI CCs would be: models/player/chaos/insurgency/operative.mdl (the current alpha operative model)

MTF CCs would be: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_enlisted.mdl (the last Nu7 enlisted model, HECU)

Security CCs would be: models/player/PMC_4/PMC__02.mdl (old security enlisted model)

Medical CCs would be: models/player/kerry/medic/medic_01.mdl (old medic model)

Maintenance CCs would be: models/player/tfa_trent_cleaner_grenadier.mdl (the enlisted maintenance model with the full hazmat suit)

Research CCs would be: models/bmscientistcits/p_male_07.mdl (old junior researcher model)

D-class CCs would be: models/player/kerry/Class_D_1.mdl (one of the d-class models currently on d-class jobs)

How would this change better the server? - Less confusion in whos team a CC is on because they look like civilians.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No

Who would this change mostly benefit? - All players


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makes sense to change the models cc to save space or w/e, but if someone comes back on an inactive CC it would be way less confusing if they had a default model according to their branch, esp since all of these are still on the server. Would take a bit extra work but would have a good payoff

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Kind of accepted. We'll have CCs have default models that fit their class and people will be able to opt in or out of their actual model. If they opt out then they'll just see the default model.

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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