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Printer reduction (not a nerf) - Denied


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What you want to see? - a reduction of the amount of printer entities a player can spawn in. ( don’t just take them away, just consolidate the earnings of each printer).  Shoutout to @Calamity for having the idea first. Again, DO NOT KEEP THE VALUES THE SAME FOR EACH PRINTER REDUCED. Adjust them if they are reduced to make the same amount of money as they do currently as a full set.

Why should we add it? - to make them all fit into just one printer rack, it would half the amount of printer entities being spawned. Less entities = less lag

do something along these lines:

1 bronze printer

1 afk printer

1 premium afk printer

1 tier 1 printer

1 tier 2 printer

1 tier 3 printer

2 tier 4 printer

total printers = 8 (which fits perfectly into a single printer rack)

What are the advantages of having this? - Less entities being spawned in which should over all benefit the server 

Who is it mainly for? - criminals

Edited by Dono
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There is a better way to go about this and that is when the printers are placed into a rack the individual printers are no longer an entity, but instead merged with the rack. You can make all 8 printers in a rack count as ONE entity and that would reduce lag a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Jbane56 said:


There is a better way to go about this and that is when the printers are placed into a rack the individual printers are no longer an entity, but instead merged with the rack. You can make all 8 printers in a rack count as ONE entity and that would reduce lag a lot. 

That would probably just require a complete rework of the addon, meaning a lot of development. You can’t just decide to make 9 entities one thing without remaking the system. Might as well just change to another system that is just one printer. Also I’m not sure if it’s even possible to make entities merge together like that.

Edited by Dono
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