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Mitch R's "Crim Chat" Suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? - Group chat for families, like how gov can talk to only gov by pressing "U," make it so if a player is in a family (SL,Blaze,BOS, etc) they press "U" and only other members of the same family will see what they type.

Why should we add it? - QOL and so family members can organize crime in chat w/o the whole server seeing

What are the advantages of having this? - More ways to communicate with family members without needing 3rd party programs like TeamSpeak or Discord

Who is it mainly for? - Crim

Links to any content - N/A

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On 7/25/2023 at 11:02 AM, Mr. Rob said:


it sucks to use discord/ts3 it would be nice for everything in 1 spot


Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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