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Team speak comms/intergration [Denied]


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Team speak intergration.

In other games we use teamspeak with a program to run comms, raido and proximity voice chat.

My propisition is to setup /comms to be Voice instead of just text. We could also get a bot to voice to text the text ones for those without VC. Could also hook this up for raido channels so Leaders can address just one batalion. (EX: Leader uses shock channel to call them to a scene or give them instructions). Also allows one regement to comuincate to thier squad only reguardless of distance. (EX: 501 Leader calls 501 to bridge to assist defending it then after to vaders side in MHB and all 501 can hear reguardless of where they are.) Lets regments coordinate eaisly without needing to talk over each other as many of us tend to be close or get seperated from group. Also leaves local VC for area specific talk, like calling medic or focus 1 target.

Could also have commander/ leaders only chat so the leaders of varous squqds can all decide things and report with each other without inter fierance or having everyone else listen in.

This can also with limited functionality be tied into discord also. So new people could just join discord channel and would likily only be able to hear but not speak into either regement or comms.

Technical: Everyone enters one large VC channel in team speak and the Program will deal with linking/muting/defaning of everyone to simulate the channels. Each trooper gets a raido/comms item that they can use to change channels (who they can hear and talk with). Ive used this before on several ArmA RP servers before. Would require a plugin on TS and gmod server.

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Battalions can use custom radio channels already if they want, and I don't think there would be any real time that Battalion commanders would need an entire radio channel. And the /comms idea I personally think is kinda pointless. Its there for the sole purpose of not interfering and it would just be much easier to keep it the way it is now.

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


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Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. 

However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!

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