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Doggo's Discord Ban appeal- Accepted


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Your name:Doggo

Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): Doggo#5730

Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 358735070519099402

Which discord server were you banned on? SCP RP

What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? For doing (I would understand it being just like a timeout but come on a perm ban just for that ) proof.png

Why do you deserve to be unbanned? The joke wasn't meant to cause any harm I was mostly being annoying and understand that I was being an asshole. Its been almost a year since I was banned and am thinking about returning. The response even had pings turned off to avoid getting banned for that. The joke wasn't even that big of a thing it was just a small action that I thought would just be a small goof. I have taken quite a bit of time now( a whole year almost) so I believe its been long enough of a punishment for my actions.

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Please refrain from unnecessary posting and restrict your responses to a clear +support or -support with valid reasoning.

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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many people have done way worse things and gotten far less punishment granted its normal procedure to ban someone for this but it should really only be a few month ban at most not a permentant (obv if this is the like fifth time they've done it yeah perm ban is  wanted)  

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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