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CI Application


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IN Game Name:



SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199017564788/





What Division Do You Want To Join:


Why should you be in chaos insurgency: 

Because I want to work towards freeing as many d class and get them to safety. I understand theres guidlines to doing this and am prepared to follow them. I believe im a very funny person but I can also take things seriously when needed. I also wish to have a good experience on the server and to do this I need to be in a group and id prefer ci over scp organization.


How Would You Rank Your Knowledge Of The Lore:

I know most scp by picture but i do not have the numbers memorized but i do have most of their codenames memorized.


What is something that sets you apart from other applicants:


My hate for the scp security and organization is very deeply rooted. I also have a higher work ethic and ability to follow rules to a tee than others do.


How active can you be:

I can be active for the most part but im usually off and on due to work and other games

Do You Have Both Teamspeak And Discord:


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