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Found 3 results

  1. Lore Name: Sage Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 1025 Question / Idea: How many different conditions/diseases can SCP 1025 give to subjects? Background Research: SCP 1025 is known to give a random disease to the subject who reads a page from the book Hypothesis: SCP 1025 can admit as many diseases as stated in the book (1500). Observations (What Happened During Test): Test 1: Subject was instructed to read a single page of the book Subject. After reading a page the subject immediately combusted, caught on fire and died. Test 2: Subject was instructed to read a single page of the book Subject. After reading a page the subject immediately could no longer move his body in any way except for his mouth. Subject was then taken to the Med bay and was revealed to be petrified. Subject did not die from the condition but was later euthanized by the doctor. Test 3: Subject was instructed to read a single page of the book. Subject after 3 seconds had obtained asthma. Subject's movements were much slower. Subject could not jump. Subject after 20 seconds fell to the ground and died. Test 4: Subject was instructed to read a single page of the book. The book did not seem to give the subject any disease. No noticeable differences in subjects physical and mental behavior. The subject was quarantined and studied. No known disease was obtained from the book. Test 5: Subject was instructed to read a single page of the book. After reading no immediate changes took place in the subjects body. The subject was then studied for an extended period of time. Subject was then seen coughing often. Subject was then taken to the med bay and was diagnosed with lung cancer. Test 6: Subject read a single page of the book, the exact same results were seen on this test as was on test 1. Test 7: Subject read a single page of the book, the exact same results were seen on this test as was on test 3. Test 8: Subject read a single page of the book, the exact same results were seen on this test as was on test 2. Test 9: The subject read a single page of the book, the subject immediately fell to the floor and died. Test 10: Subject was instructed to read a single page of the book Subject. After reading a page the subject, no noticeable changes in mental or physical behavior. A small cut was administered to the subject. The subjects body healed this cut extremely fast. In a matter of seconds. The subject was diagnosed with regenerative cancer. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Every different disease that was given to the subject had shown different symptoms. The subjects were asked which disease they had read about, some did not have time to give there answer before they died. The readers of the book seamed to have obtained the disease they had read about in the book. Though test 4 is an outlier. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): There is no known reason as to why the subjects obtain diseases from reading. Though the test prove that the book will administer any disease the subjects reads about. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes. Whichever disease the subject read about was proven to be given to the subject.
  2. KNOWLEDGE TEST Date of test: Wednesday 29/04/2020 Name: Tommy Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 1048 (Teddy bear) OOC name: Ted the movie, and 1025 (Encyclopedia of common disease). List of Personnel involved in testing: 1. Security officer Crock Level D Personnel involved(if any): none Risks/Safety Precautions: Requested a security guard, just in case SCP 1048's behavior changes to hostile or another situation occurs. Background Research: As far as we know, SCP 1048 seems to understand what we say to it, depending what questions we ask, of course, he remains silent, maybe because it doesn't understand the question or it denies to respond. It also knows how to draw, and shows affection, meaning that SCP 1048 has feelings or perhaps mimics them. What I’m teaching/testing: I'm going to test multiple things: 1: SCP 1048's capable to read, if it knows how to read, that means he's way more intelligent than we expected. 2: In case 1 is true, learn if SCP 1048 is affected by SCP 1025's symptoms and how SCP 1048 reacts to it. Observation: I've spent 15 minutes with SCP 1048 explaining that if it knows by all means how to read, nod one time, or if it doesnt know, nod 2 times, but it just stared looking at me. We've moved with the escort to the safe containment area, and I've Brought prescription glasses, in case first attempt SCP 1048 cannot read close distance. When I pointed SCP 1048 to read SCP 1025, it looked at me, I don't know how to say, but I think he was mocking at me. Anyway, the second time I asked it to read, SCP 1048 dragged the book, and stared at SCP 1025 for 10 minutes. I asked SCP 1048 if it read and nod 2 times (No). I tried again , but this time I gave SCP 1048 the prescription glasses and then again it began the second attempt to read. I let SCP 1048 15 more minutes than before, and after I asked SCP 1048 and again, it nod 2 times, to my surprise and sorrow. Conclusion: It seems that SCP 1048 doesn't know how to read, or maybe, it doesn't want to let us know that it knows how to read, thinking that maybe we'll take higher measures, or who knows what SCP 1048 thinks...
  3. Basic Research Test: Lore Name: Tommy Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 1025 [Safe class] Question / Idea: It's my first time I do a test with SCP 1025 so I wanted to know what are the effects and consequences when a Subject begins to read each chapter of the Book. Background Research: I've searched unclassified files about SCP 1025 and saw that it has his peculiarities... Depending of the chapters you read, there are different symptoms (Good or bad I suppose.) that can be used either to harm the subject, kill or heal a specific disease. Hypothesis: So my Hypothesis is that somehow the chapters are connected with the symptoms the subject reads, meaning that it doesnt operate randomly. (sounds simple but I'll see after the test). Observations : I took 2 subjects with an officer , without any incidents, and told one to read one of the chapters. Subject 1 began to read one of the chapters about the Eyes degradation and blindness, and soon he began to lose sight, gradually, and started to panic. Officer took him to med bay and then I spoke to subject 2 to read one of the chapters, not the same. It seems as he began to read the chapter about paralysis he felt like his body was like Stone. Marvelous this SCP... 10 minutes after me and the officer took the subject 2 to med bay for amnestics and also analgesics, since he was feeling pain, oddly. About their status after reading SCP 1025, Subject 1 seems to recover sight progressively and subject 2 is still under medical attention. Analysis / Conclusion: So my conclusion is that this specimen, SCP 1025 does not apply any symptom randomly, meaning that we can select which symptom to add to the subject, if good for Foundation benefits, or bad for opponent companies. Was Your Hypothesis Correct? Yes, it seems correct.
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