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Found 2 results

  1. Name: Eyelander Current Rank: Lead Researcher Estimated Time In Research: Since 1/11/2021 Why should you be in RC? What do you bring to the table that others don't?: I believe that I should receive one of the positions in Research Command because of how dedicated and committed I am to the server. I say that I am like this because I've spent hours upon hours just thinking of good test ideas, and writing test logs, just to make them as good as I can. I also say that I am committed because I follow through with tests that I doubt myself on, for example, when I was writing the log for a test that I did on 079, I doubted that it would be any good, and I thought it would feel forced. Despite this, I persevered, and I committed to finishing the test log, and it turned out great. While this commitment is shared by many other members, I believe that the level of dedication that I bring to the table is greater than most others(no offense). In conclusion, my commitment and dedication to the Research Branch is why I should join Research Command, and the amount of commitment is what sets me apart from others. What would you do to increase activity and to better the Research Branch?: My personal philosophy is that people do better and enjoy things more when they are told that there is a reward for doing something, rather than telling them there is a punishment for not doing it. This carries over into Research activity because you can apply the same logic: If you force people to be active, they won't enjoy being in the research branch as much, which is not a good thing. On the other hand, if you do something like hosting a competition to see who can make the most creative test, who can train the most people, etc., people will have an incentive to start becoming more active on research jobs, which benefits the entire branch. On a slightly related note, let me propose my ideas as to how we can better the branch, other than just increasing activity. One big problem that this branch has at the moment is the amount of time you need to wait in between tests, you need to spend time thinking of a test idea, you might need to spend time waiting for the Defcon to go from Red to Yellow, time waiting for an escort, and the list goes on. All of this can take a while, which makes the Research Branch feel very boring to new researchers. Interestingly enough, the solution to this problem is similar to one way to increase activity in the research branch, using incentives. If people are incentivized to host more mass tests, researchers waiting to start a new test can attend these mass tests and get more enjoyment out of the research branch.
  2. Lead Researcher Isaac Darby's Safe Class Manager Application Name: Darby Current Rank: Lead Researcher Time in Research (Approximate): 5 Months Why should you be research command, AKA what can you bring to the table that the rest of command can't? (100-word minimum): I should be a Low Command Member because of a substantial amount of reasons. I am exceedingly active, with me being active I am always getting recruits, doing trainings and a lot of tests. I have a lot of experience on SCP-RP and other servers in saying that it gives me a lot of leadership skills, experience, lore knowledge and most of all professionalism skills. Using my previous experience in a number of branches and experience I have got from being multiple branches in multiple servers I will be able to pass that down and teach Researchers, HMR, RIG and RRA. I have a good knowledge of the Research and The Foundation alike (Lore) and know how they act, etc. I am a kind generous person and always willing to help anyone possible. I have been role-play characters within SCP-RP and other servers before and I feel from that experience I'll make a great leader for the Research Department. I am energetic and fun to be around and always try to uplift people's feelings if they are down or mad. I have been in a multitude of departments within branches (Mainly Internal Affairs & Public Relations) and have revised those documents many times. I have assisted people when it comes to reports that they wish to bring up. Using that experience I am able to handle a multitude of situations that may be thrown my way. I am highly dedicated to all areas of the Research and as a Low Command Member I expect a decent amount of doc work and moderation during the period and I am a Low Command Member. I am experienced at both creating, coding and updating documents that need to be done which allows quick succession on document part of things. I have a large amount of experience leading sub-branches both on JvS, CW, Imperial, Military and I was an advisor for a family on the Police-RP, these positions grew my roleplaying skills to be as high as they are right now. I love interacting with everyone on the server, it does not matter if I am being kidnapped, interrogated or vice versa, me kidnapping someone or doing the interrogation. I have an open mind and always have new ideas to try in game scenarios to make it funny and great to be around with my outgoing personality. Besides that I would say my role playing rating would be a 9 out of 10! Because the way I can continue the excitement for anyone, I would give myself a B+/A- based on what people have told me in game after I get done doing something with them and they said It was fun, humorous and would love to do it again at any time. I have put in a lot of work in this branch and want to continue helping everyone out as best as I can. Also helping out everyone by answering questions to the best I could. I want to continue my passion for helping everyone out in Research and want to succeed and continue training everyone like that way I was trained or even better. I have a lot of experience on the SCP-RP server and I know this has allowed me to know the work that is required for being in such positions. I myself find that when people tend to dislike others that may be high within a branch they tend to not realize just how much work that person is trying to do and I always get both sides of a story whenever a situation is going down. I will continue to do my best for the branch and I will ensure that the Research and The Foundation are successful for now and the future. I feel like me becoming this position will show that I have great leadership skills. Ever since I joined Research I wanted to become a Low Command Member but unfortunately I was not high enough rank. Me being a Low Command Member will definitely improve my RP skills as it will give me more chances of Roleplaying. I am already good at role playing but this can help me Improve my abilities. If I do get Low Command I plan to go above and beyond with my RP to insure that I was a great choice for this position. I have also built up leadership skills from other servers such as MilitaryRP and ClonewarsRP, I am also well known within the branch and people are looking up to me. I want to become a Low Command Member because I want to do everything and anything I can to help my branch be the strongest it can be. Being in this position will open more opportunities for me in the Research Department. Helping the Researchers with being more of a leader role, setting an example for them. Showing them how to play on the server, how to role play properly and, make sure everyone has the best experience possible. I host many activities within the server and take charge of my Researchers when needed. I am very active on the server currently averaging 30-40 hours a week and being a Low Command Member I will only try to improve on that. As a role-player I am constantly doing things within RP, a Low Command Member to me has always been one of the most intriguing characters to me in The Foundation. Getting this position would mean a lot to me, while also being a role model for Research. I would really try to be the most active Research on the server, it may be hard but I'm up for the challenge. I really want to help out the Researchers the most I can, while also doing activities, collaborating with any branch willing, and being active, which is what some people struggle with. So to put it simply, I'm active on research like a lot and I'm quite borred with how my work looks.My work is all about testing and doing test logs or training. I want to help new researchers in many ways. Like doing masstests,removing minges [by minge I mean Team killers, Mic spammers etc ].I have been Leading Researcher for such a long time. I want to do more important stuff and I think after all those months I'm ready for it.I want to help in the foundation and research department. I want to be a more important part of it. This maight be hard for me in the first week but after that I’ll do as many masstests,worthy promotions,and trainings if I get into the command I will do as much as I can What will you do to make research more active and better? (100 word minimum)(Tangible items like activity, expertise or the ability to run trainings, etc): As a Junior Command Member I see myself going above and beyond within Research and its sub-units such as Hazardous Materials Researcher. I can see myself filling up the JR+ spots with active, dedicated and wise members within The Foundation. Soon after that I can definitely see myself introducing more Research mass tests & training. I can see myself creating new documents that go in further in depth about each rank, their perms and a deeper overview about the Researchers and the lore behind them. I can see myself doing many mass tests and granting numerous test requests on Safe & Euclid SCPs. I will be promoting activity and I can also see myself leading mass tests with other branches such as R&D. First off having other branches tag along during tests as I hardly see that and I believe this would be good to improve the relationship we have with R&D or other branches. I can also see myself due to recent reports pushing out the need to do more tests and a bit more strict on misbehavior. I believe this would be good so we can put the Research team further out there, increase our recruitments and be able to prove ourselves to the [REDACTED] and Server Leadership. If get the opportunity I will train people to be trainer so we can get some more members in RRA and in the branch in general. I will train as much as I can If I'm not doing a test myself or guarding someone. I will hold more mass test's to boost activity as well more tests the merrier. I will make suggestions to make researcher better as well such as more SCP'S or just better improvements to the job itself. Hopefully with this I can boost activity and the amount of test going through and better understanding the SCP'S themselves. I will also with the help of the other researchers make Research Great!
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