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Found 1 result

  1. Battalion Name: Royal Guard Job/Class Name: Saber Guard Model Path: models/player/starwars/mistersweetroll/saberguard.mdl Requested Loadout: Custom Saber: Requesting Dual-Wield sabers (One blade/hilt per hand) Saber Name: Saber Guard’s Blades Hilt: models/swtor/arsenic/lightsabers/grantekf11-dlightsaber.mdl Blade color: Red (255,0,0) Length: 45 Saber Damage: 200 Force Abilities: Force Reflect, Saber Throw, Force Leap, Force Absorb, Force Rage. Cross_arms_infront_swep Cross_arms_swep rw_sw_bino_dark Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): I believe the weapons are appropriate in light of other battalions' loadouts because RG has a similar weaponry setup. The force abilities are true to lore and are mostly used as a Royal Guard anyway. Furthermore, the use of dual wield lightsabers allows for a different playing style than the Royal Guard is accustomed to. It enables the saber guard to be more effective in confined spaces when dealing with a threat to their VIP or mission. Health: 1500 Armor: 0 Reason for health/armor: The reason for the health is that it is 200 HP lower than the Sovereign and 300 HP higher than the Senior Guard. This job's role is to eliminate all hostiles in a small area. The increased HP allows the person on the job to survive longer in close combat against Jedi with high HP. Because it is the same as every other RG job, the armor will be 0. If the class had armor it would be stronger than the Sovereigns. Description (Optional): Saber Guards were among the most fearsome warriors of the Galactic Empire. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: I believe that these changes to the battalion will benefit the server by attracting more players to the donator battalion and making the battalion more active on the server because there is now a new goal and role to strive for. The Saber Guard will be a difficult sub branch to join, with only 5 members. Saber Guard will be the best that RG has to offer, representing the battalion to everyone. These battalion changes will allow RG to have a different duty on the ground and on the ship while still being recognised as the efficient killers that we are. Requested Job Slots: 5
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