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The Schoodster

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Posts posted by The Schoodster

  1. 17 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    -1 rushed app and generally toxic towards everybody that's not e11

    you calling Lancelot toxic? bro you -1 support half these damn applications just because you don't like the person, and Lancelot is the toxic one???

    Anyways, +Support for Lancelot, he's a good E11 and I believe would make a good RRH

  2. 16 hours ago, Matt_t said:


    Owen is amazing in combat, genuinely great guy, definitely RRH guardian material. 
    I know some people may say about his ranks, but this guy is one that should bypass any of those people who think that way, he is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to PvP and combat.

    Good Luck!


  3. 17 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    -1 is a literaly child 💀 and not mature what so everv

    Literally* Ever*

    Also just because someone is a child doesn't mean they aren't fit for anything, I'm a child and I'm on the staff team, am I not worthy of staff just because I'm not old?

  4. 17 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    -1 not in any utility branches and combat engineer just doesn't do enough maint or utility stuff so I feel you're under experienced and also app is rushed af


    Also no, I can tell this app has effort put in with formatting and good talking points

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    -1 no effort into the application what so ever , and low ranks.

    Dude, c'mon, he's from another country you have to understand that he cant be as active which me he probably wont be promoted. He did put effort in his application, its just language barriers probably hinder his ability to hit word counts.

  6. 7 hours ago, Infinity Boot said:

    + Support

    - Active Player.
    - Serious Role player.
    - Reliable and consistent in battle.
    - tactical and strategic mindset.
    - Remembers and recalls protocols well.
    - will not hesitate to deal out punishment for saying redacted information


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