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The Schoodster

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Posts posted by The Schoodster

  1. On 1/24/2023 at 12:09 PM, Vice said:

    People would gift things to another person and then charge back for it 
    another way was the discount of ranks in game. since if you buy a rank the next one is discounted but if you have the max rank you can buy another person that rank for a massive discount so GL would loose money 

    Disable the discounts for gifting unless the other person has the previous rank. Have the rank be removed if the person charges back, and put the person on a gift ban (just lock their store acc so they cant gift things for a week or something).

  2. On 1/24/2023 at 7:03 PM, Grub said:

    You said to me that i was power tripping ontop of that you made a remark somehwere along the lines of They'll never let me be HCMD. forgot to mention you said i was power tripping to. I wont fight with you but you know what you did. and even after that when i was starting to get upset so messed with you by taking your whitelist you reported me trying to get me warned... and when i didnt you proceeded to kill me again after that. Ill leave it at this. Never kill me again even when its for fun

    You removed his AFM whitelist for "annoying you." I think power tripping fits the bill here.

  3. 18 hours ago, bop said:

    + Support

    Tyler tries his best all the time and has always been great throughout his whole career as a staff member and as an ET member, deserves a chance to be senior admin

    + Support

    Tyler tries his best all the time and has always been great throughout his whole career as a staff member and as an ET member, deserves a chance to be senior admin


  4. What are you suggesting? - An AFK command be added to the server that instantly puts the person in AFK mode (that cant be interrupted by movement or anything else, only by typing the command again) with a timer for easily documenting AFK hours (for jobs that give you perks for AFK like CI)

    How would this change better the server? - Makes AFKing a little easier, AFK wont be interrupted as much and the amount of time you afked for would be easily obtained.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Not really? I guess people could use it in combat but it would basically just be like switching jobs mid combat, which is kinda useless cause it kills you anyways

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone who AFKs

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  5. 12 hours ago, purple2005 said:

    + Support

    every week a see non stop good activity from this guy and I personally have never seen him do anything bad either not to mention this dude has been has been an SM for like a month now and to me that shows dedication. I think that given the chance Akuto would end up making a great WO for Nu-7.

    -MAJ Purp

    Akuto is epic!!!

  6. On 1/9/2023 at 10:48 AM, Mangoo said:

    + Support 
    - Active
    - Experience
    - Shows capability of being trusted with responsibility
    - Decent to Good answers

    Question Analysis :
    Q1 : Overall good and truthful answer, having known your character I believe you would make a good fit in the command team.
    Q2 : Fair points overall, I'd like to see more on how you would improve the subbranches or activity, rather than just saying you would, such as offering suggestions but thats not much of your job at the current moment and the initiative even at non command ranks is still promising to see nevertheless.
    Q3 : Good answer, but kind of generalizing, id like to hear more on what specific duties you already are capable of performing as well as showing a deeper knowledge of that experience, then again experience is not as much required for WO but still good to have overall.

    S1 : More of a by the books answer, and while its not necessarily wrong I believe it requires a bit more personal touch to it. For example, that key bit is the extremely frustrated tone, we all get angry sometimes and I think it'd be better to just pull them aside and talk to them, its a game not a job, and then give them the proper punishment if they refuse to calm down or lash at you. But again, that more comes from experience in handling people, but a good answer for where you are at now.
    S2 : Nothing wrong here, its always best to talk your problems out and then look to start resolving issues. I like that you directly imposed that if you were in the wrong you would attempt to change, as a command member, you are the first person who should be able to realize you did something wrong. Just a small nitpick, it doesn't state the rank of this person and generally I would let a 2nd command member get an opinion and or issue the strike or warning as bias may affect your judgement.


  7. 18 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    -1 for analyst tbh cause the tests are all 999 tests that are at least Euclid and have a good grade typically look better.

    I'm actually so done with you, if you don't constructive criticism then don't reply, it just makes you look like a dick.

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