What you want to see? - Parking spots added around map like indents in the sidewalk allowing cars to park
Why should we add it? - Players get parking tickets a lot for parking on the curb but its the only place to park cars and this will help with rp
What are the advantages of having this? - Better rp for gov and civ/crim allowing for proper illegal parking rp and proper parking to avoid tickets
Who is it mainly for? - The community
Links to any content - N/A
Name: Rose
Your Rank and Callsign: Lieutenant, Command 3
How would you rate your activity from 1-10? 6
If your rating was below a four, why and what reason?
Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on (updates, personal, etc)? No
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2879832016 Evidence of mugging in spawn both me and other person attempted to be mugged were afk in spawn and they attempted to mug before killing all of spawn