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Posts posted by JackForPrez

  1. 6 hours ago, Crunch said:

    Above average DT command member

    Do I get to join the DT Reserve Commander’s Club? Where we just comment on the current Command, It’s the greatest DT R Pastime.

    6 hours ago, Anomaly said:

    I am shivering in fear. You have been so much help and I must now fill your big shoes. I promise to do my best sir, I am sorry to see you go!


    8 hours ago, Mariodylan said:

    Thank you for everything, sir.


    You have been such a significant part of DT that it hurts to see you go, but I can't wait to see what more you'll bring as HGM.

    Do well my children 

    Dylan join the GM team

  2. -Support, that hurt to do. You’re a really nice person. However, you only recently went into Reserves and before that you were a Vice and I didn’t see much from you. I think given time you could be a future Vice Commander or higher after you prove yourself. You are destined for Low Command or higher, however you need to show that you’re worthy again. As a player you are one of the nicer members on the server and you are well versed after being a long time player. You also have a vast amount of knowledge that you can use even now to make suggestions to improve Shock for the better, I still don’t think now is your time. That being Said I really really want to be wrong. Please don’t take this personally.❤️

  3. 6 hours ago, KLONDU said:

    I didn't provide evidence in the sit because:

    A. As you stated, I was frustrated. And 

    B. It was more an act of defiance to starch, as I felt that since he made the sit, he should provide evidence first, as it should always fall on the accuser to provide evidence of wrongdoing, and not the defense to provide evidence for the defense.


    I do agree it should be on starch, however if we only see one side it can provide a limited view. (It was more just an example) 👍

  4. Now that calmer heads have prevailed you’ve explained your side in a lot greater depth and perhaps last night would have gone differently. You were very frustrated and weren’t really providing backing to your claim. As at one point when a point was brought up by Starch, you then retracted a statement you said prior about having a Clip saying it was on Starch (Paraphrased but you get the Idea). Overall, I still believe it was something that could of been warned for as a Force Power. However, a formal warning may have been reconsidered by Navada if this had been made clear. However, I fully stand by how Navada acted at the time. I also think this could have been better handled by both of you for future I recommend you avoid each other.

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  5. No Support 

    I was called over to the Sit, I would like to say that you both in the sit were acting inappropriately. You were talking over each other and being generally argumentative with each other. This is one of the main reasons why a formal warning was chosen. You were running after Mommie (Starch), you then followed him into Brig. You then Force Slowed him, He Force Lightninged you, Then you Force Choked him and Killed him (Might not of used force choke but you killed him). This was blown way out of proportion. At the start of the Sit you were just talking about Following him, you then later claimed you were allowed to guard it in your SOP. You appeared to pull this out after you were challenged on it and this was not your original intention, it also states that "If there are no Shock on". You were both behaving Childishly. 


  6. 2KBl9SQ.png

    You Must be 1SG+ to Apply for the Position!
    Failure to follow the Format will result in instant denial! 

    You are not to Advertise you Application!

    In-Game name:



    How long have you been in your current rank?:


    What experiences in leadership do you have?:


    Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum)


    What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum)


    Which 2 Maj+ Gave Permission:


    Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position?


    Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion?

    Include a Poll that says "Should [Name]/[Callsign] be a WO?" with answers of "Yes" or "No"
    Name the Application "[Name]/Callsign] Officer Application"

    E.g. JackForPrez/MP4's Officer Application

    • Skull 1
  7. On 1/21/2023 at 11:00 PM, Wolf_Legend129 said:

    - Support but it doesn't make any sense for Purge to have E-11D but everything else is good but it's just the E-11D is a DT weapon not Purge so makes more sense if it had a flame thrower more than E-11D, Also it's not lore nor cannon and Legend multiple sources proves it 


    + Support

    Purge need this. It is in Lore, looks sick and seems good

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