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Everything posted by Kaizer

  1. Thank you very much! Hope to make more in the near future
  2. Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): I highly encourage you to watch this documantation before reading the file - Lore Name: Kaizer Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 330 Question / Idea: What happens when you instruct the test subject to take two candies from the bowl and leave him be? Background Research: SCP 330 is a candy filled candy bowl with the instructions- take no more than two, please!! SCP 330 is known for it's precise violence against violators of this rule. Their hands are cut off at a molecular level, which left many researchers dumbfounded as to how the SCP accomplishes these actions. Since no member of the research team has yet to test the candy itself or the side effects included with consuming said candy, I have taken the task myself. Hypothesis: Nothing should happen since the instructions on the SCP itself are very clear, do not take more than two candies. Observations (What Happened During Test): The D class was instructed to only take one candy from the bowl and wait five minutes before taking the second, the D class was not instructed to take a third since the outcome is already known by the foundation. I have then taken the D class to medical bay in order to administer amnesiacs and then back to his cell, I have instructed present guards to keep an eye on said D class for any anomalies. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The instructions on SCP-330 seem to be well written and correct. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My Hypothesis was on point, the D Class subject stayed lucid and well during the entire test and after being released back to his cell. Though, further experimentation might have to take place in order to rule out the possibility of anomalies with different test subjects.
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