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Posts posted by SillySadass

  1. In-Game Name:

    Steam ID:

    ULX Rank (Donator rank (Platinum, User, Bronze, etc):

    How long have you been playing on the server?:
    I've been playing on the server for I would say about a month-2 months, and I have 2 weeks of in-game activity.

    Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines:

    How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): warnings.thumb.jpg.55edf87b43365f2777b17666810095dd.jpg

    Why do you want to join event team?:
    I want to join the event team because I have a lot of ideas for events that I could host and help out with, these events would be interactive for all players, instead of just a group where an SCP introduced and only Researchers/Security get to be a part of it. (I have a lot of ideas for those types of events as well, but most of my events will be available to everyone)

    Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?:
    I should be trusted to be part of the Event Team because of a couple reasons. The first reason is that I used to be a moderator, which means that I know the basics and will know what and what not to do. Another reason is my activity. I am on every day on the Gaming Light SCP-RP server. Whenever I am on, I am usually on the research branch, and when I'm not communicating and doing tests, I'm being AFK on the server.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?:

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

    SCP-1765 "The Sisters"

    First, I need to give the description of what this SCP actually is, so that you don't get confused reading my event idea. To really shorten it down, SCP-1765 is a group (3) of SCP's that have overtaken AREA-37. They then forced the personnel inside to do horrific tests with them, such as making researchers run away from a blood-thirsty SCP, or simply seeing how long it would take before personnel start going insane. I thought this SCP would be a really good idea for an event, since everybody is able to join in, and it seems like a fun idea. If you still don't really understand my explanation of this SCP, there is always the SCP wiki to read further on! https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1765

    First, the event would start with a "mysterious" portal opening up leading to Area-37, there would be a sign above the portal (Take note that the portal is on the ground) to say /advert [ACT] Falls into portal". They would then be teleported to Area-37 (They would be teleported into a gigantic room, much like SCP-173's containment chamber, but will be bigger and might have some corners/edges for personnel to run away) After being brought here, the sisters (three other event team members) will be spectating the personnel and taking notes. It's not just gonna be that however, as certain SCP's (If allowed to bring SCP's already in game to the event) would be hunting down and mercilessly killing the personnel. said people might find some weapons to defend themselves with in a hidden room. If I am not able to get SCP's that are actual jobs, or not allowed to, there could be other SCP's that could be brought in for the event's sake. There would be multiple SCP's since the entire lore of SCP-1765 is them over taking a site and forcing the personnel inside it to play horrific games. 

  2. goals that I set for myself each week. This week, a goal that I have is to promote two people a day (On my Research-Command job) and to be of help to all researchers.

    In Game Name: 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:190907061

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst):  Analyst

    Current RP Ranks Held: RS APRF  (Research Command)

    If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: N/A

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:  



    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): I have 1 warning, please look at attached photo 20220307175139_1.thumb.jpg.b83dcb4784ee58f0dc16ca30a2bcd705.jpg

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I have been meaning to apply for RRH for quite some while now, and I thought that now would be a perfect time to do so. I want to join RRH because of many reasons, with some being my activity in research, my love for testing, and my knowledge on SCP's. To add to these answers, I have decided to write a paragraph for each answer explaining in further detail. For my activity, I am in-game every single day of the week for atleast 2 hours at a time. A great example of my activity is the

    For my love in testing, I have always thought that the idea of being able to test on SCP's really cool, which is the reason why I decided to put all my time into the research branch. I also have alot of test ideas for SCP-106, and so I would finally be able to do those tests. I have further reasons why I would like to join RRH, but I believe as if it's more on the "Why you should accept me" question, and so I will be saving it for that.

    Why should we accept you: 

    You should accept me because I have leadership skills, I am active within the research branch, I know how to manage people due to my Research command job, and because of my goals and my testing ideas on SCP's. I hope that all these reasons and my answers sway you into agreeing that I should become an RRH Analyst.


    Note: Please vote on the poll as it really helps me out. Thank you all!



  3. Test Score Sheet

    Grammar : 4/10
    A lot of grammatical errors. An example being is "

    The test subject Fernard was shaking a little and

    Was slightly mumbling words i could not understand

    He then was checked with vitals and was healthy." where you could've said "The D-class appeared to be shaking and was mumbling words that I couldn't understand"

    Creativity : 5/10

    The whole point of the test was to just have the D-class touch the skull, with nothing else included. I would recommend trying to expose him to "certain" SCP's after to see how they react

    Design / Format 6/10: 

    Format itself is pretty good. Placement of pictures and pictures themself however aren't the best in my opinion. I would recommend searching a little further for better looking pictures and better placement of your pictures.


    Final Test Score : 15/30

  4. Test Score Sheet

    Grammar : 5/10
    A lot of grammatical errors. And alot of words spoken very weirdly. An example of this is "He is so friendly and smells like roses, my favorite flower. I looked at him and I tapped my pockets to see if I had anything for him but I only had a bog of carrot." where Bog should be bag

    Creativity : 6/10

    Test has been done many times before, still given extra points because it's your own wording.

    Design / Format 8/10: 

    I enjoyed this format, and would love you to do more like these. Really good job on it Lafleur!


    Final Test Score : 19/30

  5. Test Score Sheet

    Grammar : 8/10
    The grammar was very well done! I would say one of the only things I would improve is the fact you called it "SCP-012" too many times in one paragraph, and so you could prefer to the scp as it. (sometimes)

    Creativity : 9/10

    I loved the test, but I do believe that it was done before at least once? Was going to make it a 8/10 but the way you wrote it just makes me love this doc even further

    Design / Format : 9.25/10

    This formatting is completely original, covered in nice styles such as coffee and blood stains, and is generally fun to look at. However, looking at it for too much causes a little bit of strain on the eyes, but other then that, perfection!



    Final Test Score : 26/30

  6. +Support

    - Active

    - Leadership skills

    - has amazing ideas for testing and for the branch.

    - I'm a command member myself and have seen dareth on every day. He makes sure to follow all commands given and has no problem paying attention.

  7. Test Score Sheet

    Grammar : 10/10
    The grammar was on point! I believe I only saw one very minor grammar error, which was " What is this thing?…" where the question mark was supposed to go after the periods. I seriously didnt want a minor error like that to ruin your mark, and so I have decided on not doing so.

    Creativity : 10/10

    Fantastic test ideas! I love the fact you did multiple as well! Keep it going mavrick, and keep testing! The audio log is fantastic! Also, Remember... T E S T. T E S T. T E S T. T E S T.

    Design / Format : 10/10

    Fantastic format Mavrick! I enjoyed how easy it was to read without the eyes hurting and how it feels easier to be immsersed in it. I advise any researcher's reading this to use this formatting (If mavrick approves of course). Absolutely loved it Mavrick, and I hope you keep it up in your other test logs.


    Final Test Score : 30/30

  8. Test Score Sheet

    Grammar : 9/10
    I saw very little amounts of grammatical errors in your sentences, fantastic job ren!

    Creativity : 5/10

    Don't get me wrong, you did a fantastic job with this test log document, but the test itself was essentially to just study the SCP-008-2 instance. Also, people infected with SCP-008 don't become a zombie fully after 2 minutes. I understand in game that's the amount of time it takes to call a ET, but you could've wrote in your document (in-rp) that it took a longer amount of time. Such as a day or two.

    Design / Format : 7/10

    In my opinion I enjoyed the formatting and felt as if nothing was wrong with it. Nothing too special, nothing too bad. Reason why this is a 7/10 and not a 6/10 is because of how in detail you were and the different sections. (For example; Safety Precautions)


    Final Test Score : 21/30

  9. Test Score Sheet

    Grammar : 8/10

    I did not notice any mistakes while reading this log, only reason why this is a 8/10 instead of a 10/10 is I think you used too many SCP-9931's instead of just referring to SCP-9931 as it every now and then.

    Creativity : 6/10

    I loved the creativity you put into this, but certain things could've brought this mark from a 6 to a 8 or even a 10! These things could be adding a interview log where a researcher attempts to interview them to no avail, 

    Design/Format : 7/10

    Good job on the format! I would've liked it more if it had a black background or something a little easier on the eyes, but generally just a good format.

    Final Test Score : 7/10

  10. Name: SillySadass
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190907061
    Current Rank: SR

    Time in Research (Estimate): I've been in the research department since 02/18/2022. I have a playtime of 1 week however.

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): 

    I believe I should be a research command member because of many reasons. I am a very active player inside of the research department. I am always on for at least 3 hours at a time. Whether that be through socializing with other people and conducting tests, or being AFK. I make sure to always train at least 1-2 extra people to become a research junior every day. I am very extroverted and love interacting with people, whether that be fixing them through a problem they have, or just chatting and having fun with them! Whenever I train a junior and they conduct a test, I try to be with them during said test to supervise and insure that they are following proper testing procedures. I try my hardest to be a leader and show a good example to new players, and like I said before, just helping them out with any problems they have. I always try to show people that the research department isn't boring, and that it's not just walking around and doing meaningless tests. I love the research branch with all my heart, and will always continue to love it and be active on it. I also usually don't play any other gmod servers other than this one, aside from the every now and then darkrp or other gamemodes.

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    As I mentioned before, my activity is a key item that I bring to the table. I understand that you might think that everyone applying for junior command has already mentioned their activity, but the part they don't mention that I can is other branches. I am not in any other branches except for research, which means that all my playtime will be totally into that branch. This means that I will be able to be active and help others on the branch without having to juggle things such as security meetings and PT's at certain times. I can have my full attention on the research department. Another key aspect that I bring to the table is leadership. Leadership is very important in a job such as this, where people on the daily are coming to you to ask for help and for permission to do tests. This is because if you don't know how to manage players, they think that they can get away with anything, and so lose any respect that they had to the research department. They'll think that it's just a branch where you can troll and minge without getting punished in any way. I also set goals for myself. An example of this being what I said on the last question about making sure to try to train at least 1-2 people per day. I am confident in my ability to lead others and be active, and so I believe that's some of the items that I would bring to the table.

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

    If I was promoted to the position of Junior Command, a way that I would increase the activity of the research department and better the branch itself would be learning. I would try a variety of things, and would use different styles and approaches to meetings and PT's Using the information on which PT's got the most players flagging up, I would use that style more.  I would also make more "events" that would make players more interested in. I would probably do this by doing more fun approaches. I've seen PT's where the research department doesn't seem to get much action. I understand that lore-wise, that's what we are supposed to do. But it would definitely increase activity in the research branch if we had more interactive events. An event I have in mind is starting by letting the players know that there has been a spy/SCP secretly hiding among the ranks of researcher. I will pm the person that I picked to become the SCP/spy, and will give them a knife. All other players will only have keys, except 1, which will have extra health from the others and get access to either fists or a less powerful knife. The goal of the SCP will be to secretly kill all of the researchers, so that it can obtain files on specific SCP's and breach them. The goal of the researchers is to find out who the SCP secretly is and vote to terminate it. My idea of an PT that would be more on the fun side instead of lore, which I believe will get some activity up and raise spirit! This PT would be a mix between murder mystery, among us, and SCP lore. This is one of my many ideas, and if I get picked as Junior Command, I will be my best and always make sure to show a good leadership role and to show kindness to everyone. I will help anyone that needs helping, and will be active within the community. I hope that you agree with me, and that I get accepted as a new member of Jr. Command. Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and I hope I see you around sometime!



  11. 7 hours ago, Bartholomew said:

    only for a few reasons
    1. you have a low activity, having only seen you just up till last week
    2. low posts on forums
    3. your staff app was already denied


    Doesn't seem like a very good fit. Also the fact that you copied your app

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