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Posts posted by Ein

  1. -Support

    I might've retired, but it has always been my opinion that weapons need to be removed from the armory. Having every single meta gun in the armory makes classes less unique. Why play Marksman when I can just buy an AWP from the armory? Why play a close quarters class when I can just buy the USAS?

  2. SCP-8286-GL

    Object Class: Keter

    Disruption Class: CLASS 4 (Ekhi) | Risk Class: CLASS 5 (Critical)

    Item Description

    SCP-8286-GL is a highly intelligent, humanoid entity measuring approximately 2.1 meters in height and weighing approximately 120 kilograms. The entity exhibits physical characteristics reminiscent of reptiles, covered in scales stained with a layer of biliverdin, and elongated limbs.

    The anomaly demonstrates a high level of cognitive ability, surpassing that of the average human, and displays proficiency in nearly all tasks given to it, including various academic disciplines, various languages, and problem-solving tasks. Administered IQ tests place the anomaly at an IQ of approximately 210.

    SCP-8286-GL's primary anomalous property is its ability to 'shapeshift' into victims that it has killed. The anomaly attacks at the base of the neck, using a scalpel with a Feather Brand Surgical Blade, the tip of which is coated with a paralytic agent of unknown composition to render its victim immobilized, at which point SCP-8286-GL will consume the subject's brain. Analysis of victims recovered prior to SCP-8286-GL's consumption of the brain indicates a swift cessation of neural activity in the spinal cord and brainstem, leading to immediate loss of motor control. Upon consumption of the brain, SCP-8286-GL is capable of replicating their physical appearance completely, with no discernable difference between SCP-8286-GL and the victim, including the subjects voice and personality.

    SCP-8286-GL is only able to mimic a victims appearance upon consumption of the victims brain, and SCP-8286-GL is presumed to be unable to shapeshift into any previous victims.

    Attempts to separate the scalpel from SCP-8286-GL have been unsuccessful, While SCP-8286-GL is wielding the scalpel, it is unable to be removed by any means, and efforts to forcibly extract the instrument have resulted in failure. Even when the scalpel is not actively wielded, the scalpel will re-appear with the entity upon exiting a 5 meter radius from the entity. It is unknown if this is an anomalous property of SCP-8286-GL, or if the scalpel itself is anomalous.

    The anomaly demonstrates predatory behavior, often stalking and then eliminating individuals in isolation, targeting primarily high-ranking Foundation staff, such as Department Heads and Special Forces operatives. SCP-8286-GL utilizes the positions of these personnel to lure additional victims, which it then consumes.

    Containment Procedures

    Principal MTF deployed to neutralize the threat remains MTF-Nu-7

    SCP-8286-GL is contained within Site-##'s Heavy Containment Wing, and is assigned an E-IPCA-rated reinforced-concrete chamber. The chamber's entry doors are secured with tripwires, fitted upon a thin layer of lightweight, durable titanium alloy. SCP-8286-GL's containment chamber is fitted with a series of pressure sensors along the chamber's flooring to confirm the anomaly's presence within the chamber.

    A containment breach constitutes a S##/A/SUPERBLUE-ORANGE(1)(2) Facility Lockdown (View LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES Revision 3.9). Internal Affairs, Security Teams, and on-site Mobile Task Force operatives are to administer I.D. checks among staff. On-site security teams are to make immediate attempts to lock-down the affected zones so QRF, or tactical response teams, may approach the breach unhindered.

    Suspected instances of SCP-8286-GL are to be apprehended immediately and questioned, along with a full body search, and an evaluation from medical staff. Upon successful apprehension of SCP-8286-GL, the anomaly is to be transported back to its containment cell. In the event that SCP-8286-GL is hostile, the entity may be forcefully subdued through the use of heavy weaponry.

    In the event SCP-8286-GL becomes inherently inimical to wider Foundation interests, and continued containment is infeasible, MTF operators are permitted to terminate the object under Executive Prevention Code SC-4.

    Researcher's Note

    I am concerned as to why we, the Foundation, have been more willing to terminate SCP objects as opposed to developing new and improved containment methods. This 'Executive Prevention Code' has resulted in the termination of a ridiculous number of SCPs, through either the Ethereal Program or just MTF Operatives gunning down the things. I'm not one to question my superiors, but I'm not sure why the Council and the Ethics Committee have been more open to approving these termination requests.

    - Dr. Simon Wolffe

    Attached Documentation


    Synopsis: suggests the escape of a sentinent object equal or above human intelligence also capable of movement.

    Special Guidance: identical evacuation plan to CODE: BLUE

    Listed MTFs: MTF-Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed-Fox"), MTF-Nu-7 ("Hammer-Down")

    (2) PRIORITY: A

    For measure, below are the approximated response times for each priority level.

    A - <1 hr

    B - <2 hrs

    C - <5 hrs

    D - <24 hrs

    E - <72 hrs

    NOTE: Priority may be a key factor in determining whether response from an AMTF/MTF is necessary, or if the site should be destroyed, and may be used as evidence when arguing for destruction used by the Ethics Committee.

  3. From: Captain Everett 'Ein' Wagner <[email protected]>

    To: Rahim Mahmoud Yusef Abdulmasih <[email protected]>

    Subject: Re: Nu-7 Application


    Good evening, Rahim.

    After review of your application, we believe you would make an excellent fit for our task force. To proceed further, please get in contact with a member of our Field Training Officer team on-site.


    Kind regards,

    Captain Everett 'Ein' Wagner

    Deputy Head Field Training Officer, Mobile Task Force Nu-7

  4. From: Captain Everett 'Ein' Wagner <[email protected]>

    To: Doctor 'GJ' <[email protected]>

    Subject: Application Status


    Good evening, GJ.

    After reviewing your application and your prior history within Armed Research & Containment Site-23, we believe you'd make an excellent fit for our task force. To proceed further, please get in contact with a Field Training Officer.


    Kind regards,

    Captain Everett 'Ein' Wagner

    Deputy Head Field Training Officer, Mobile Task Force Nu-7

  5. +Support

    It should be the players responsibility to balance out branches, if a player can manage to be in 3 branches with lives and be active and dedicated then go ahead, and if they can't then that's on them. And additionally, considering that A-1/O-1 take a life at SPC, anybody who has 2 lives is automatically forced to give up a life in order to stay in the branch, and that can turn people away.

  6. -Support

    The Foundation does not weaponize SCPs willy-nilly. We contain anomalies, and there are a VERY limited number of sentient anomalies that are cooperative with the Foundation. 3 branch SCPs is already a bit much, and with 10 branches on the server, that'll be a disaster.

    Currently, there are 3 branch SCPs on the server, SCP-7101-GL (Nu-7)SCP-208 (Medical), and SCP-912 (Security). These make sense within their respective departments (912 for example, is literally a riot control SCP), and each have a specific unique purpose. The issue with expanding this to every single branch on the server is that it simply doesn't make sense for other branches to have SCPs.

    Departments such as Maintenance or Delta-5 do not require an SCP to fulfill their job, and it would likely be taking away from other branches as-well. You also have to consider the considerable development time, there is absolutely 0 way that we would have SCPs already developed to fulfill the purpose of A-1, O-1, Maintenance, CI, etc. (The ONLY exception is that CI dog SCP or whatever, which was removed). We need to focus on existing SCPs rather than flooding the server with new ones. More SCPs will not fix the servers issues.

  7. +Support

    If you're -Supporting this branch update then you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it actually includes. Security has ALWAYS had mustard gas, even since I joined the server back in February 2022, HCMD being able to spawn Mustard Gas is NOT NEW. The only difference between now and then is that they will not have to call ET to spawn it in.

    I think Security HCMD has also made it pretty clear that the Arrest Baton's are pretty restricted. It is unreasonable to expect that you will be able to Fear RP new d-class, and if they don't comply that you will call an admin sit on every single d-class breaking FearRP. The arrest baton is not being used to go capture CI, and there's not gonna be an OFC running around arresting random researchers.

    And additionally, the Arrest Baton is NOT A NEW FEATURE, the Arrest Baton was already on Peacekeeper and none of y'all complained about it. It also was available to pretty much every NCO and CMD, this is literally changing jack shit about Security. None of y'all had a problem with peacekeeper, so I don't know why you have a problem with it now.

    • Like 3
  8. -Support

    Senior Researcher's on surface is an immediate indication that they are up to no good in the first place, on top of that, the Research SOP (has been shown in the comments) specifically states that Non LVL 4 Research (which is exclusively HCMD) on the surface should be KOSed.

    Another factor is that it is unrealistic to organize an AOS on the researcher, first of all, you dont know the researchers name to AOS, you then have to ADVERT it (which is going to be metagamed, no matter how hard you try. This is why I don't support requiring an AOS to be an advert because they are going to just avoid the people that have been instructed to AOS them). Secondly, a disguised EOI watching 3 MTF run at them trying to arrest them just means they're gonna run in the opposite direction. Unless you want to have 3 MTF sitting outside the CI base (I believe a verbal warning or warning for camping may be something to consider).

    Regardless, in every other situation that Researcher would have been shot and killed, whether it was by E-11 or by an A-1.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Tazza said:


    no. mf this aint WWI we dont need security to gas d-class

    or to bring back that fucking 912 baton and give it to every motherfucker but 912

    Security has always had access to mustard gas in D-Block, they just had to call staff for it. This is nothing new.


    Also the arrest baton is not new either, peacekeeper had it…

  10. 34 minutes ago, Boesermaster said:

    -Support, ( except maybe someone wants to point out why it is good. 

    1st , Why make CI Trainee Level 35 ? That is quite hight. And needs a good ammount of play time. 

    2nd , why remove Jobs and add nothing ? Isn’t CIs current structure , to encourage activity on jobs Becuse you get a super strong job on that line ?

    I'd like to try and provide an answer to the second point considering Starr has answered the 1st part pretty well. Jobs are getting removed from ALL branches. This is not a CI exclusive thing. Security just lost 6 JOBS and Research just lost 5 JOBS. So this is just the way things are going right now.

  11. What are you suggesting?

    The implementation of a squad system, where MTF and C.I. can organize into Squads to better accomplish their objectives.

    Taking inspiration from HL2RP, CWRP, and Military RP servers, the Squad system would be a new way of bringing tactics and better communication to SCP-RP. MTF/CI members can create squads (typically NCO's or Command), and the squad system will allow players to quick communicate, be alerted to the death of squad-mates, and overall better utilize tactics.

    Ideally, members of a squad would be able to see each-others locations on the map (through some sort of dot at the players location) which is only visible to fellow squad mates. It would list the members of the squad on the left side of the screen, including their roles (such as Nu-7 CBRN Unit or E-11 Foxtrot Leader), and one player would be designated Squad Leader (and potentially could even designate a squad co-leader if they need it). 

    Squad leaders should also be able to send messages to the entire squad, and squad members should be able to quickly ping locations and make quick communications (perhaps through a radial menu?)

    How would this change better the server? 

    A hard-coded squad system allows for MTF to coordinate much better, it gives the opportunity for players without mics to make quick callouts using a menu (such as "Area cleared" or maybe "I need back-up!") It's a quicker way to communicate the same issues. It also encourages players to stick together, you can very often find "lone wolves" who will run out on their own ahead of their squad and will basically remain oblivious to everything else, this will encourage NCO's to take a better leadership position in their branches and will more importantly, allow for the use of tactics.

    It also allows for Command to better coordinate with NCO's and Enlisted. The role of a command member with this squad system should effectively be inter-squad coordination, telling different Squads to do different tasks.

    This will also make CI/MTF combat more fun. When MTF stick together, large fights with C.I. are incredibly fun, and increased communication and cooperation between branch members will inevitably lead to more of these fights.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    How this would work with branch command, and implementing this with jobs could be a bit confusing. This is definitely something to talk about further.

    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    MTF and C.I.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion


  12. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added:


    2. Link(s) to player models:

    N/A (Non-Playable SCP)

    3. Link(s) to SWEPs:

    N/A (Non-Playable SCP)

    4. How much health/armor do you think it should have?:

    N/A (Non-Playable SCP)

    5. Why should we add this SCP?:

    SCP-914 presents ENDLESS possibilities for Research, as a machine that upgrades, downgrades, and overall changes things, there is quite literally room for THOUSANDS of tests to be done. SCP-914 also would be one of, if not the only SCP that doesn't require the use of a D-Class. SCP-914's implementation also presents a lot of possibilities for combat and major changes to the way things work (in particular, the armory).

    Imagine this: Instead of going into an armory as a D-Class to just buy the most powerful donator weapon, you can acquire some simple guns (lets say, a Remington 870), put it in on Fine and you get a USAS or some other powerful shotgun. You put it in on 1:1 and it gives you a sniper rifle (The opposite of a shotgun). This is drastically different, provides risk and reward for getting better guns, and it doesn't just have to be guns.

    There is a TON of potential for putting SCP Items in 914, putting PEOPLE in 914, and literally anything you can imagine inside of it. Perhaps you could even have a system where you can put PROPS into 914 and it changes it based on what kind of item it is (Say you put a wood box in on Rough, and get a bunch of scrap wood / planks).

    6. Basic summary of the SCP:

    SCP-914 is, in "TL:DR" terms, a machine where you put something into an input booth, turn the knob, and something different comes out in the output booth.

    SCP-914 has 5 settings for its knob, "Rough", "Coarse", "1:1", "Fine", and "Very Fine"

    Rough - Typically completely destroys the item and renders it both useless and unrecoverable (I.E. put a Gun in, and a bunch of dust, scrap metal, and whatever else comes out)

    Coarse - Typically will disassemble an item into its base components or will downgrade an item (I.E. put a Gun in, and get a worse gun, OR, put a Gun in, and get a bunch of gun parts)

    1:1 - Replaces the item with a similar item or an opposite (I.E. put a shotgun in, get a sniper. Put a blunt melee weapon in, and get a sharp melee weapon)

    Fine - Upgrades the item (I.E. put a gun in, and get a better gun)

    Very Fine - Upgrades the item significantly, usually with anomalous properties (I.E. put a gun in, and get a very good gun which may be anomalous)

    7. Extra information: 

    SCP-914 would be a hassle to implement, because it requires a ton of things.

    1. It requires a full containment chamber, you really can't just put it in one of the temporary ones due to the nature and size of the SCP

    2. Coding the thing would probably take weeks for each and every "Input : Output" that you want

    3. It requires modelling work (either getting someone to rip the model from SCP: CB or making a fully custom one)

    4. It would require MAJOR S.O.P. and rule changes


    However, SCP-914 presents a LOT of opportunity for major changes in the server and for roleplay, and I think for these reasons it's worth implementing


  13. What are you suggesting?

    Something similar to the "Third Person Flashlight: Improved" addon on the workshop, which makes flashlights visible to all clients on the server. Essentially: What you say when you turn on your flashlight is what other people will see as-well.

    How would this change better the server?

    It provides new implications for combat on the server, being able to see your opponents flashlight when the lights are out can allow you to prepare for those few seconds in advance. It's information that will subtly lead to people winning or losing fights because they knew their opponent was coming when they otherwise wouldn't have.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    Possible performance implications, and could affect playing as an SCP

    Who would this change mostly benefit?


    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion


  14. What are you suggesting?

    Divide the F4 "Jobs" Menu into sections based on what general categories the jobs fall under. Some examples of these categories could be "Mobile Task Forces" which would include all the MTF Categories (A-1, Nu-7, E-11, D-5, O-1), another could be Donator Jobs (such as the SCP & MTF Job Packs), and another could be GOI's (for GOC/CI/Sarkic). 

    Currently, the F4 Menu can be overwhelming for newer players. You open it and it's a disorganized mess with no real organization that can leave new players at a sort of "Where do I start?". By dividing the F4 Menu into specific categories, it will be far less overwhelming for players.

    How would this change better the server?

    Newer players will be less overwhelmed by the sheer amount of jobs. It allows people who are looking for a specific thing in the server (I.E. to play Research or a Medical role) to not be flooded by 800 different job categories.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.


    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    New Players.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion


  15. 1 hour ago, Boesermaster said:

    Oh but sadly I am still not smarter, why is crouching in the elevator a problem ? 

    The easiest way to find a cloaker (without thermals, either because they havent been called out yet or because you dont have them on) is by the noise they make when they move (footstep sounds). When you crouch and walk, you make 0 noise, making it thus impossible to detect a cloaker. So, when I walk into an elevator with a cloaker who makes 0 noise and who I cant see, there is 0 counter-play when I inevitably get shot in the back of the head,

  16. I just have to re-emphasize my +Support for this


    I absolutely despise cloakers, even though I have access to tons of cloaking jobs, and was the Head of Wardens for a time, I cannot tell you how annoying both playing as a cloaking class and fighting against one is. Playing a cloaking job requires less than half the skill of a regular class, and is an incredibly dick-ish and cheeky way to get kills (especially when you buy and use "meta" guns). When I enter an elevator, and get one-tapped by a shotgun from somebody who I could not see or hear (because the player knows how to use the "ctrl" key on their keyboard), there is 0 counterplay to that. What am I supposed to do? On top of that, because guns in this server take a ridiculously long time to kill somebody, if they manage to recloak in time (because they know how to keep their distance when necessary and hide around corners), then my damage is basically pointless. And finally, if he kills me while I have thermals, I now have to wait a 10+ minute cooldown to be able to counter him.


  17. What are you suggesting?

    Buff TTK to 1.25 (from 0.85)

    How would this change better the server?

    Combat will feel a lot more fun. It is incredibly annoying to feel like you're shooting a guy for ages to deal 140 damage to them, especially when you feel like your gun should be doing way more damage. Additionally, as has been said in previous TTK buff suggestions, it creates a use for actual tactics. We have all of these formations guides in documents and people talk about how they want to use formations, but what is the point? Use of tactics such as ambushes becomes a lot more engaging when you have a lot more of an impact on the fight.

    Additionally, we've ALREADY TESTED IT on the server, and IT WAS POPULAR. People enjoyed it, and I still talk to people who mention how fun it was with 1.5 TTK, and while this is not suggesting 1.5 TTK, the point still stands. On another suggestion for the exact same thing, it saw support from both Foundation, and C.I., including MEMBERS OF SITE ADMINISTRATION and people who are now SMT. We don't even have to worry about "will it be something people like?" because we've already proven that it is. The real question is more like "Why haven't we already changed this?"

    It also gives a chance for weaker classes to fight back. I feel bad for Security Enlisted who get stomped by E4 with 0 counter and 0 influence on the fight simply because they're new to the server. Obviously, a Security CPL or an Nu-7 PVT should not be easily winning against E4, but if they catch somebody with their pants down they should be able to make an impact on the fight. And with this comes the fact that it will now give new light to every single gun on the server instead of having a set meta of 3-4 different guns.

    And lastly, healing is now far more essential and it will give much more of a purpose (and probably activity as-well) to classes such as Nu-7 Corspman, or CCU, or just any medic class because they now become a complete game-changer in fights.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    There may need to be some weapon changes to make every shotgun not a pre-nerf double barrel but besides that really nothing. If SCPs are a concern then just increase SCP health to accommodate the changes. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    Combatant Branches, Medical

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion



    I might not be an Admin, but Mary has more than demonstrated the necessary skills to hold such a position, being by far one of the most professional and intuitive members of SCP-RP Command. I have never had a bad experience with Mary, and I don't know anybody who has. A very strong choice for this position.

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