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Posts posted by Clarence

  1. -support
    -The reason certain jobs like a Captain in Naval aren't allowed to go certain areas is so you don't just go running around places, for example brig, that's Shocks area, if you are in Naval and want to go in there join Security Officers or request permission, Vice versa Shock cant just freely roam the bridge.

    - I can kind of see Higher ranks having a higher clearance but I don't think it's a good idea to let people go more places as a lot of places of the ship are controlled by a certain battalion/battalions. It would just cause drama in my opinion.

  2.                                                                                                               Please keep the post to +/- supports

                                                                                                                                             Forum Diplomat Message

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  3.                                                             Moved to Correct Location.

  4. What do you want to see?: I would like to see a complete server health rework.

    Why should we add it?: The server health has became way to high with gear and the skill machine. I think lowering all jobs base HP will make combat more realistic. We shouldnt have to shoot people 30-40 times to kill them. If we decrease all jobs base HP it would make combat take actual skill and players would actually have to think and plan during combat no more just running through blaster fire without a care in the world.

    What are the advantages of having this?:  The advantages of doing this would, make the server more realistic, I dont think any players should be walking around with 1500+hp. It would make a actual skill gap with PvP and introduce actual skill based fighting. I know this would be a lot of work with having to rework all jobs HP and reworking weapons but I think the server could use this. 

    Who is it mainly for?: The whole server

    Links to any content:  N/A

    How it works: N/A

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