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Posts posted by James_

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sourg said:

    So when I ran In I got killed by @Apis. At spawn I switch to admin cause there was a sit and I was not in a active RP situation. I took that sit about 7 mins after I switched to admin cause I remember doing two sits before it. Reason that sit was claimed is about 5 sits were stacked up and I did not really check the reporter. You have 15 mins on gov to raid a base and I initially said leave but after checking logs I seen you had about 5 more mins and I left gov alone.20210905011611_1.thumb.jpg.058d85f858c6dce05ed3e93e53387a06.jpg

    You should have noticed the situation when you teleported there immediately. You still administrated a sit of not only your family member, but one that you were preivously engaged in (obviously you died during it, and you were there because it might thave been the max time you can raid-- showing that it had still been an active situation since you left.)


    Thats all im going to say to maybe clear the confusion Sourg might have had.

  2. +Support

    This is very dustructive to the trust between staff and normal players. Not only did they get on staff to handle a situation they were previously involved in, they took their family members sit. Staff members should not be getting involved in general with their family members when it comes to administrating, let alone involve themself (directly) in a situation they were involved in. It allows for very evident and as seen in this video bias. Staff member should be punished accordingly.

    Nothing personal Sourg, I am Bappo as well, but this isn't acceptable.

    "5). Do not deal with sits involving yourself or your friends to avoid potential bias issue. In these instances you are required to have an uninvolved staff member take the sit, or file a player report."

    and for the other violation I saw, I couldn't find where it says specifically not to adminstrate a sit that is in regard to the situation you were previously engaged in. But it has been made clear that is a rule even if not specifically stated.


    Will change opinion depending on @Sourg response

  3. I dont see any grounds for a warn for harassment, and this is a clear issue. While Freeze might have broke a rule, it was nothing compared to harassment. It is just player diss. 


     In order for this to be the acclaimed "sexual harassment," you have to look at it for its actual meaning, not bending the rules to issue a harsher punishment. The denotative meaning when you tell someone to "suck your dick" is of course sexual harassment, though it is clear that the denotative meaning doesn't apply to this situation -- its a commonly used insult to tell someone to "suck your dick," and definitely not taken literally in a gaming environment.


    Especially a player of Freeze's stature I don't think he meant it in that regard. Its clearly not harassment, at most player diss.



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