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Mystery RHC

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Posts posted by Mystery RHC

  1. -1


    -Barley Active recently 

    -Has flat out said he doesn't want to change 

    -Haven't seen lead 


    I still don't think Ghost is ready for a specialty. From what i have seen he mainly plays on his CC doesn't come on his naval job that much anymore. When he is on he still minges. Ghost if your reading this you need to improve in these area's. 



    Shore Maj Kurt Naval Commander Josef

  2. -1


    -When ever he gets arrested he throws a hissy fit

    -Insults people in OOC

    -Refuses to follow orders from 501st leaders

    -Whenever things don't go his way he throws a fit 


    -Has been removed from GM for not listening and arguing with Senior gm's

    -Complains in ooc whenever he doesn't get promoted 

    -Negative reputation on the server



    Crysto has been on this server for a while in this time he has caused many issues a lot of these issues are still present and have not been fixed. Every negative I have listed above is why i think he would make a terrible CO he struggles being a NCO I don't think he would make a  CO as he was not fixed these problems. He has been given advice over and over again whenever he would get upset that he didn't get promoted (and complain in ooc) he has ignored this advice and has not stopped. This advice has been "don't insult people in ooc" "don't complain about not getting promoted" "stop being mingy"  he has not followed any of this from what iv seen and heard.

    Edit: I'm gonna edit in this last part because this is how I feel. Crysto has been caught abusing his power before in GM and shock its kind of worrying if he gets officer as officers get a lot of power to promote/demote i can see him abusing his power as he has done before. He needs to show maturity but that's just my two cents.


    Crysto if you see this if you fix these problems more people will support you i think you could make a good CO but you need to fix these issues.


    Shore 1LT Kurt Naval  MO Commander Josef


    • Like 1
  3. Neutral

     - Does a great job whenever given a task

    - Good Naval

    Struggles with Activity

    has a hard time being serious when needed

    I decide to do neutral because Gordon has massive potential. But is held back by some major flaws like activity I think he needs to fix this problem first then apply. He is a good naval but has some issues.

    Shore 1LT Kurt/ Commander Josef

  4. What is your ingame name?: Josef

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107835195

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: LT Commander 

    What specialty are you applying for?: Medical

     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Cheez

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can make sure everyone is active doing there job and making sure they are doing it right. I can also help with Passive RP as I have experience in Medical RP. Passive RP in medical from what i have seen is lacking. I feel that i could improve medical for the best.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I have a lot of experience with Medical RP. I have zero strikes and have never gotten a punishment. I'm Experienced in commanding and leading as well. I can be Incredibly active as well.

    Why do you want this rank?: To help medical with tryouts and to help them with Passive RP. I want to help them grow to become an effective force on the ISD.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To Oversee the Medical Branch. Make sure they are doing there jobs and help out the low ranks who need assistance.

  5. -1



    Doesn't take Naval seriously 

    Semi Active

    Has flat out said he doesn't want to change 


    I truly think ghost could be a good member of SO but SO requires a lot of work and to be serious on the job. he seems unable to do both. if you can straighten yourself out ghost i think you could make a good member.



    LT Commander Josef Shore 1LT Kurt

  6. +1

    + is very Active

    + Nice dude

    + Great Shore Member

    +Good leader when he leads

    Pie is one of the best within the ST's Legit deserves to be an Officer 


    Shore MSG Kurt Midshipman Josef

  7. -1

    -Was Extremely Abusive with his power in shock 

    -Often Insults members of the community whenever things don't go his way 

    -Insults people in OOC whenever he gets arrested for a valid reason

    -Promotion Begging/complaining  in OOC 

    -Player Diss

    The things you listed off in why you think you deserve admin+ you have been caught doing more then once. I think if given time to change and adjust you would make a great member of staff but right now its not a good idea.


    Shore MSG




    1.What's your ingame name?: Kurt

          2.Whats your steam id?: STEAM_0:0:107835195


          3.Did you read the ST Sop?: Yes

          4.How long have you been on the server: 3/4 Weeks

          5.How many warns do you have?: 0

          6.Why do you want to be a 2LT: (Minimum 1 Paragraph)

        I want ST/Shore to grow as a 2ndLT i can help by promoting people within ST and Shore as i see many people who get passed up for promotion a lot and i think they should be. There are also only 2 Officers right now and they are mainly active during the nights. Since i am active during the day i believe i can be a real asset to those during the day.

           7.What Timezone are you?: Mountain Time  

           8.How well do you command this Regiment?: Extremely well. During a during a battle i give orders clearly and effectively and make sure everyone is doing there jobs. i have also been an Officer on  other servers such as Multiverse Gaming Medical CPT and  Halo RP 2ndlt Military Police (cant remember the name of the last one)

           9.What makes you stand out from other applicants?: I have a microphone to command more effectively and quicker. I am extremely active and do tryouts more then anyone else. If i become an officer i can also promote the people who do a good job

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