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Posts posted by NotTheFire

  1. On 9/25/2022 at 1:01 AM, Crunch said:


    Bub is extremely competent and has completely deserved this position in his time as a member of Army High Command. He consistently proves himself and shines in nearly every aspect. He is extremely approachable and friendly but isn't afraid to put his foot down when he deems it necessary. He communicates effectively with members of the community, Command Team members, and High Command members. He is the most deserving of this position. Best of luck!


  2. Omg it has been a wild ride last summer I got Vice Admiral and CAO but it was some great fun and I loved every moment of it!
    - @FootSniffa: Carry on the torch as CAO and make me proud
    - @Gustav : You were one of my first friends in GL and I will always remember you
    - @Theta: Best 501st commander!!!
    - @Jabronie: Old man I wish you the best of luck!
    - @guyt2030: Loved working with you in SF and you were one of my best friends in SF
    - @moosewinn: You were supposed to surpass me!!!
    - @Proteus: Thank you for teaching me everything I knew about navy and I wish you the best of luck with high command
    - @proudzander05592: Best Shock Officer by far and a great friend! Vice Commander Proud????
    - @jpackis220: NERD!!!
    - @Krüvz: Keep up the great work with IF!!!
    - @MARKS: OMG mark I love your work in shock and keep it up!!!
    - @Fanta: OMG SC21 best STRM Commando!!!!
    And if i didn't mention you, I'm sorry but it took a lot of brain power to remember all these people.
    But uhhhhh see yall next summer who knows what battalion I'll focus on next time!!!!

  3. 5 hours ago, Akeru said:


    +Has Experience

    +Great Person

    +Great Person to talk with 


    this is so true that i dont even know who is 501st overseerer

    theta always talk with us in teamspeak when hes avaliable . 

    Theta doing his best as a 501st commander and im pretty sure he would do his his best as a Brigadier General

    Best of luck Theta


  4. +Support
    Through out my time as an AO I have seen Uchiha only doing great things

    -Has previous command experience all though on a different platform

    -Has been very active

    -He always helps out no matter the situation

    -The app is a little short only downside


    Overall Uchiha would make a great Vice Marshal, Best of luck Uchiha0

    Remember to add a poll

  5. +Support

    Throughout my time as an AO I have seen only great things come from dragon

    -He leads gladius squad in a good manner and revived it very quickly

    -Has experience in changing documents to be easier to understand and follow

    -Has helped command in figuring out who didn't achieve their quota

    -He is very friendly and know when to be serious about things


    Overall he is a great fit to be a Vice Marshall of SF, best of luck Dragon

  6. On 7/21/2022 at 12:11 PM, Diabeto said:


    The only reason I am giving +Support is because I know Oofbonk as he a SFC in IC. He is very capable of being a leader and would be a great fit for Ninth Sister. He has shown dedication and his skills, which is reflected in the speed he progressed to his current rank. 


    If it weren't for the fact that I know Oofbonk this application would get a -Support as it is very short and not very well written.


    Good luck Oof!


    Side note for you Oofbonk. Take a look at the accepted section to see what a full application looks like. It will show you what Command is looking for in an application as well as help you in writing any applications in the future.

    Good Luck Oofbonk ❤️

  7. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Gaz


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Naval


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I wish to be Rear Admiral to help out Naval as a whole, Naval Low Command, and The Board of Admiralty in anyway I can. Through out my time in Naval it would seem Naval Low Command would have an issue keeping up with the issues that everyone had and I wish to assist with the responsibilities of Low Command. I would also ensure that everyone always has something to do and try to host sims that will help improve peoples abilities in the pits.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? At the time of writing I have 747 Hours and 54 minutes of play time according to BattleMetrics.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The purpose of a Rear Admiral is to oversee the Supervisory team and Enlisted, as well as writing any documents that need to be written, hosting SIMs to keep everyone engaged, manage the battalion as whole and ensure everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing, helping The Board of Admiralty in anything they ask of, make sure the Supervisory members are doing their quota, helping anyone in anyway such as helping get tryout certified, learning their sectors, and answering any questions that may come.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe I should be trusted with the rank of Rear Admiral because through out my time in Naval I have taken the initiative in leading Enlisteds even when I also was one, I have also in the past written documents that are now in use in SF and have help the command team there to ensure things were being done correctly and took concerns and questions into mind and used these to help make the experience smother for others. In Naval I have ensured that people were following the rules by having a chat with them in a calm manner if they were breaking any of the rules and ensured my point got across. 


    7. How often can you be Online? : I can be expected to be on 3-4 hours a day for everyday of the week.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have one warning for RDM which was when I was a NCO in the 501st and was quite new to it and someone went AFK that wasn't participating in my tryout and I didn't bother calling for shock to pull him aside I decided to kill him which in hindsight was the wrong move to do in that situation

  8. What is your in-game name?: Gaz

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:235498981

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:  SAO Lieutenant Commander

    What specialty are you applying for?: Chief Aviation Officer

     What Naval HC (Commodore+) gave you permission to apply?: Sauce

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: Though out my time as an Aviation Officer I worked on Gladius documents and had them reworked to make tryouts more stream lined and created a document that was made by Leo and myself that was well received by SF. I believe with these small things being done I can continue to make SF docs better and make more if needed. I also believe as an CAO I will be able to come up with more activities for AOs and SF.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I believe I should be trusted with the position of CAO because I have already in my opinion shown the capability of a command member and as a CAO I will continue to help and have access to more ways that I can help.

    Why do you want this rank?: With the rank of CAO I will continue in assisting the SF command team with things that need to be done such as meetings and will begin helping with roster updates, getting people recognized for the things they have done, and help any other situations that may arise.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I understand.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: As a CAO you are to be the main representative of Naval to the SF command team and are expected to act like a command member. You are also expected to host trainings/SIMs for SF to ensure they have things to do and communicate with all of the SF members and listen to their concerns and question.

  9. What is your in-game name?: Gaz

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:235498981

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:  Petty Officer 2nd Class

    What specialty are you applying for?: Aviation Officer

     What Naval HC (Commodore+) gave you permission to apply?: Kallus

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I believe I will be able to help lower ranking pilots to get better with their flight skills and communication while in combat due to my time previously as a SF member. Also throughout my time in naval I have been trying my best to help others lower ranking than myself.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I used to a part of SF and felt like there was somethings I couldn't help with due to me staying a low-ish rank such as there being not enough sims to keep SF members entertained and I believe I will be able to keep SF doing things such as sims and Missions for them.

    Why do you want this rank?: I have always love SF and wish to spend more time with them without having a second life occupied. I would also listen to enlisteds and bring up some of there suggestions with command and try to improve their experience with RP. I would also help out with roster updates, removals, strikes, and meetings when needed.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I understand.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To help the Chief Aviation Officer in overseeing the battalion and make sure I know how  regiment works and how to act within the regiment, also to help the members of the regiment grow and reach their full potential as pilots. I should also host tryouts, SIMs, Missions and help out with any disciplinary actions that might be needed.

  10. Its been a great time knowing you and I look forward to continue working with you!!

    Also I dont know how to take this but ill make you proud.

    On 3/17/2022 at 12:53 AM, Theta said:

    Gaz & High- My two Reserves children.

  11. On 1/7/2022 at 10:56 AM, Darth Zefer said:

    + Major support 

    Yes please give us a new HUD the current one is hot garbage and the ones shown here are perfect pick one and let us see are names. 

    It would be a Buff for Medical and CC's on the fact that they can see health bars again finally be able to properly heal people on the battlefield.  


  12. Half the time im on the forums it just feels like a fever dream. Love it though. Give me a good laugh.


                                                                                                     -Most active 501st Gaz ❤️

  13. On 12/19/2021 at 6:04 AM, LucifersHoly said:


    • DT Needs a more recent change, and this update looks like the perfect addition.
    • These new additions brings more attention to DT and should bring a increase to DT's activity
    • Changes are balanced and wont bring any confusion or conflict to other battalions or server.
    • Nice Models
    • DT are meant to be beefier, would make sense to give them the slight scale and hp increase

    Would be great to see these changes. Goodluck! 


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