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Everything posted by CrossbowLP

  1. tem#: SCP 294 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP 294 is kept in an empty metal room, with access restricted to level 2. Description: SCP 294 is a coffee machine that will make you any drink you want Lore Name: Irvan Kalashnikov Rank: AR SCP: 249 Question / Idea: MATERIAL ANALYSIS of the drink dispensed by the SCP subject from the input "PAIN", designated SCP-294-α. Prior testing has revealed that the subject will dispense the same orange liquid on every attempt. Observations (What Happened During Test): Together with Hazmat expert ZackMordon, AR Tuffy and AR Dutch we examined samples of SCP-294-α and found it to be an organic acid, primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur. These elements form long, chain-like molecules which rapidly break and reform, causing it to bubble at room temperature. Consumption of SCP-294-α causes erratic pain and subjects expire shortly after (30s - 15 min). Autopsy concluded with severe damage to the nervous system as the cause of death, other cells were unaffected Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-294 produced a acid specifically targeting cells of the human nervous system, and is therefor hypothesized to have a advanced understanding of human biology and psychology, as it has been able to transcribe an abstract human concept, "PAIN", into biochemical properties, "Damage to the nervous system".
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