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Posts posted by Tonto

  1. On 3/12/2020 at 12:07 AM, Munchies said:


    Hello Noah,

    There is clear evidence, that EuropaUniversails has been doing MassRacism. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated towards staff and the community in general, these types of people don't care about the server and others around them, they should not be welcomed into this friendly community. A ban should be issued and depending the Senior-Management Team member however long they feel is needed, people shouldn't be treated with disrespect and words that could be offensive towards other people in the community.

    If this comment was confusing or not what you were expecting, please feel free to contact me via teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums, etc. I'm always free to anyone that needs help with anything or any answers to questions. I would be happily to help anything you need, I'm always free so pop in and have a chat!

    As Noah is a Senior-Moderator, he can only ban for 4 hours. In this type of situation, if someone is being mass racism and not caring about the rules and others around them, they should not be in this community. This type of behaviour and language should not be tolerated in this friendly community. The reason why this report was made, is to give them a longer ban and with the correct amount of time. Noah, did the right thing with reporting EuropaUniversails on the forums.

    Kind Regards





  2. 3 hours ago, Masterson said:


    While Crease may not of wanted you warned Sanchez still can warn you. This is a quote from the MOTD "Staff members have final say in all situations" meaning Sanchez has the right to say I want to warn you or I don't want to warn you.  Along with your history of FailRP warns. All these combined is why Sanchez issued the warn. 



  3. On 3/10/2020 at 11:15 AM, Ender said:

    - Support

    • Activity could increase. Haven’t seen you on that much. 

    • Application could use some

    work in my opinion, mainly the last three. I would like to hear more about staff than RP/TS in this application as well.

    • Maturity could improve. 

    • No Poll, unless that is a glitch on my


    - I personally believe you are not ready for the Rank of Administrator. 


  4. On 3/10/2020 at 5:12 AM, Max Holland said:

    - support 

    I haven’t seen you in game that much as of recently. 

    Your attitude is not the best. 

    I just don’t think you are ready for staff at this time. 


    Saying this in TS and I quote: “<22:59:27> "SM Bird 1D29| KGB10": WATCH GAY PORN AND PUT YOUR KINK IN IT 

    huge -Support

  5. 9 hours ago, th3 said:


    Not really behavior that's out of the ordinary for Romero. About time someone reported him, really tired of his attitude.

    On a side note, he was a Sergeant Major for 3 years cause he was inactive as hell.


  6. 2 hours ago, Burboon boi said:


    +is active

    +good dude

    +been CPT for awhile

    -i would have liked to hear more about your leadership skills

    -APP was good but you mainly talked about what you do and how people see you do things and in not sure how that is helpful as a Major




    • Like 1
  7. On 3/1/2020 at 7:44 PM, Rick Sanchez said:


    The guidelines are in the staff handbook which you can find in the announcement section, however it is still up the staff discretion to a degree. I also disagree that LTAP and changing names to avoid a sit is a minor offence, It’s not only annoying for staff and players but also shows that you have a clear lack of regard for the rules and know you did something wrong and tried to avoid it. Kind of like resisting arrest if we put it in PRP terms. And then there is also the fact that you were in a sit because of something else as well (as long as the sit wasn’t for the LTAP)

    However my decision could change based on what Max’s side is.


  8. On 3/1/2020 at 11:13 PM, [GL] Elapin said:


    Not Very Active on PD
    Haven't seen train a lot

    Application could be better, no offense but it kinda looks like a quick 5 minute application.

    Nice Guy

    Proffentional At certain times or points needed





  9. On 1/17/2020 at 5:28 PM, grunt22fox said:

    + Support

    I think this is a really good idea, as there is a noticeable problem with the gunplay in GL to me. How could an innocent civilian defend themselves when a guy with a huge AR (e.x. AUG) comes up to them and the only thing they have to defend themselves with legally is a phony pistol, or with a gun license a low powered SMG? You can sense some unbalancing in this, as most people on the side of the pistol would obviously die whenever they go up against the AUG; you're clearly underpowered and outgunned, and you'd most likely die before you get the chance to call 911.

    Adding a few new civilian targeted weapons would do us all a favor, as not only would it most likely improve the gunplay and decrease the willingness to break the law, it would also increase a sense of realism as civilians are allowed to own a LOT more than just pistols if you have the right certifications and licenses. The only real thing I have against this is the potential for impacting performance (although I have no idea how that could happen, it's only a model and an entity more depending on the amount you would add). Also, I can say from looking at the guns, they're really sexy (reason enough to add them lol).

    I'd also appreciate adding the possibility for attachments, the Kar98k only comes with iron sights on neutral, and it being a long-range weapon, that may not add up well (but that's an entirely different suggestion in its own right.)


  10. 2 hours ago, Rick Sanchez said:

    + Support

    + Good and nice guy who I feel genuinely wants to help the community

    + Good application

    + Past staff member

    - Hopefully, you don't lose interest again!

    - Was removed from staff previously 

    - Kinda high warns 


    • Thanks 1
  11. 17 hours ago, Randy said:

    - Support Went into discord and posed as me pretending to be staff, pinging people for no reason i dont think you have good intentions after doing what you did



    19 hours ago, Max Holland said:


    over a year bans cannot be appealed. 


  12. On 2/25/2020 at 4:29 AM, Munchies said:


    Hello Febreze,

    You have a really good and detailed application, you do have experience with staffing, as being a Ex-Staff member for Gaminglight. You have all the correct requirements to become a staff member again, I know how you work and how you do your job, as I have known you since 2018. You have a great personality and always manages to uphold professionalism when it comes to staffing. I suggest just making your forums account more active again, and becoming more active in the community. Other than that, I feel that you're ready for staff!

    Now, warns... You do have a lot of warns, whether they're a year old or 3 years old. That's still a lot of warnings and chances... But since you've had a break from the community, hopefully you came back with a positive mindset and have changed to become a better person. Just make sure you do not get anymore warnings, having a lot of warnings impact a lot on your reputation etc. Also, maybe try and add a bit more information about "Why you should become staff" even you just pasted the limit, still try and push yourself to add some more information about yourself and what you're willing to do etc!

    Other than that, I still think you're a great guy and I feel that you should become staff again! Also, should catch up sometime. Haven't seen you for ages mate! If you have any questions about this opinion/comment, feel free to contact me via teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums etc! I would be happily to talk about this and anything else you need help with. I'm always free, so just pop in and tell me whats on your mind etc! Good luck Febreze, I wish you the best of luck!

    Kind Regards




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