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Posts posted by iZz

  1. -Support

    -Questions could have been answered better with proper use of grammar, it would show that you’re putting effort into your application

    -Low forums posts

    One neutral thing is that although the warn is recent, staff members get warned and are allowed to stay on the staff team so I feel like it shouldn’t effect the decision to be accepted or denied. 

  2. What is your in-game name?:

    What is your steam name?:
    [GL] iZz

    What is your steam ID?:

    Do you have any other experience with staffing? (If yes, explain):
    Not on any GMod servers.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly):
    Late December, 2020

    What date did you make your forums account?:
    April 22, 2021

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?:

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?:

    Have you donated?:

    What rank are you applying for?:
    Trial Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?:

    Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it:

    EDT (GMT-4)

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): 
    I believe that I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator for a few reasons. My first and most important reason is that I know the server well and I think I would be a good help to the community. I have been playing on PoliceRP since December with a total playtime of over 4 weeks. Because of my experience, I have a good understanding of the rules and standard procedures that staff members follow. Another reason I believe that I deserve Trial Moderator is because of my reputation in the community. I have never had any long-term issues with anyone on the server, nor do I tend to hold a grudge against anyone. As well as this, nobody has come up to me telling me otherwise that I am a minge, don't know how to follow rules, etc. The last reason that I will mention is that I act professionally. Although I joke around a lot, I am professional in times where I need to be. I am good at staying calm and collective in times where a lot of people may not. When someone tries to make me retaliate to insults and such, I ignore it no matter how personal it may be. Because of all these reasons and more, I believe I would be a good fit for the PoliceRP staff team.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?:
    First, I would bring both parties (person reported and person who made the report) to the sit. If the reported player was constantly cursing, I would ask a Moderator+ to gag them. I would try to get evidence of the reported player killing 4+ people (anything under 4 is attempted mass RDM or just RDM) by checking logs and asking the player who made the report if they had any video evidence. After gathering sufficient evidence, I would warn them for mass RDM and jail them for 300 seconds (which is the max a Trial Moderator can jail someone for). If there was an Admin+ on the server, I would ask them to ban the reported player for 5 days. If there were no Admins available, I would ask a Senior Moderator to ban the reported player for 12 hours. If there would be nobody available to ban the reported player, I would make a ban request on the forums including the evidence I had gathered along with their steam ID.

  3. Important Changes to the Purgatory Outlaws

    I have taken the idea of turning POL's structure into more of a motorcycle club and made it a reality. This is because of a few reasons. For one, I have not personally seen any family that resembles a biker gang or motorcycle club. Also, the idea seemed more appealing to me and I thought it was time for a change.

    As well as this, I have completely re-structured the ranks and chain of command. There was no need for 17 ranks in a family so I've narrowed it down to 8. Reserves are now called "Hangarounds" to help with the image of a motorcycle club.

    Do not let the name "mototcycle club" make you think that this is no longer a criminal family. It is not a club strictly for showing off cars (since we don't actually motorcycles). We still do crime and basing. Nothing has changed apart from the appearance and the CoC.

    Lastly, I have made important changes to the SOP and roster. They can be found below. 

    If you are interested in joining POL, an application link will also be attached below.

    - iZz, POL President


    Updated SOP
    Updated Roster
    POL Application

  4. 18 hours ago, Snuts said:


    the whole " Muh fearRP " thing ruins situations. its not consistent  with IRL, why would a criminal be scared to be shot knowing full well he hasnt done anything that would warrant that? unless a suspect has actively committed a violent crime they wouldnt even be shot. FearRP should still apply if a suspect is in a car but if they are on foot 2 guns shouldnt make them stop.


  5. What you want to see? - A favorite tab in the jobs menu

    Why should we add it? - It would make it a lot easier to find jobs (especially custom jobs) that you play on often

    What are the advantages of having this? - Stated above

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - n/a

  6. What you want to see? - A courtroom/courthouse farther from DOC

    Why should we add it? - While RPing as a Judge, it’s not particularly easy to get through a case while DOC is online and there is a riot every 5 minutes  

    What are the advantages of having this? -

    - Less interruptions

    - Adds to the RP experience

    Who is it mainly for? - Judges/Gov/Arrested Criminals

    Links to any content - n/a

    Final comment: I know this probably isn’t going to be accepted as it would require editing the map, but I thought I’d suggest it anyway because there’s always a chance. 

  7. Neutral Support

    I think that we can all agree that we can all get carried away at times. What Vader did was against the rules, and we all know that. However, I think that this is an experience that can be learned from. Whether that means receiving a strike (I'm not sure how staff punishments work) or whatever SMT feels fit, I think that Vader is one that can learn from his mistakes. To summarize this, I think Vader does need to see some kind of ramification seen fit by SMT, but I honestly think he can learn from his mistakes and move on.

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