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Cuz L0g1c

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Posts posted by Cuz L0g1c

  1. 1 hour ago, CyClone said:


    i’ll go over a few points.

    If coltable allowed this it will most likely stand as it is a new update. I can see why he agreed to this as it is a slowish gun but high reward for hitting your shots.

    But giving the highest damage gun to a starter class can be a bit op i can say. From using the m98b i can say that if you are hitting your shots it’s really deadly. Aka 2 shotting O5 and Ethics.

    but this gun does have counters like close quarter combat which then it’s not very good.

    I think a better fit would be the awp but then again i’m not gensec hcmd.

    Literally what he said ^   +/- SUPPORT

    3 hours ago, Mind Stone said:


    People see M98B and go “GENSEC need bad gun ooga booga.” We still lose D-Block regardless so what’s the issue?

    Also, it was Colt himself that suggested it. 

    ALSO, HCMD don’t appreciate when people make suggestions about their branch without speaking to them first. No effort was made to contact us prior. Although it’s not a rule it’s just etiquette and respectful.

    Suggestions get made against CI all the time without it being ran up the flag pole. Its a suggestion for a reason, you shouldn't need approval to voice your opinion...

  2. 20 hours ago, CyClone said:


    This is SCP-RP as well, SCP's are supposed to be strong.

    None the less this is a platinum job with a long breach timer. (also what nyde said)


    20 hours ago, Nydekore said:

    Honestly, -support

    The reason 2191 is so consistently hated on is the current “culture” of SCP players. Many like to simply camp outside dblock where they can pick on Gensec OFCs and Dclass. This is exacerbated by the health regeneration of 2191 but is not caused by it and I think it’d be unfair to the 2191 players who do not simply camp LCZ and bully non-combatants, no matter how few they are in numbers. I would perhaps like a better system of dealing with the constant LCZ camping SCPs do though.


  3. 10 hours ago, Evil said:


    - The only way I would +support this is if the roll to get only buff is 90+ Nerf is extremely high (like alt walking and crouch walking)

    - Having someone being able to walk through door would almost make no sense even if this server is "semi serious RP"  you can't get 106 ability either.

    - This can also massively fuck both side because MTF can run through area and shoot ci while ci can use it to go through door of scp and breach them.

    You do know MTF can utilize as well right? I think it would be a cool addition for both CI and MTF. 

    + Support

  4. Everything looks good except for the H.U.L.K. So going right off the bat 500 HP and 300 AP is way to strong for a level 40+ job. GENSEC already has two other heavy units on top of this. The only way I can see this class coming to the server is if it is a level 100+ job or if it has a flag on requirement. GENSEC usually has very good activity so I don't even know why this job should exist in the first place when their main concern is fighting D-Class who max out at 100 HP and 100 AP.

    +/- SUPPORT

  5. 39 minutes ago, FeaR x Green Pikachu said:


    +I like the idea of 096 buff 

    + would cause "chaos"

    -site is just fked if no maint on

    -096 cant be contained if always enraged so hes just the best scp when this happens

    -would cause a lot more sits since people who dont read be like

    -would be annoying for every single class besides scps

    -kossing everyone would just ruin so much rp not to mention how would maintenance go from LCZ to EZ


  6. 3 hours ago, Coltable said:

    This isnt possible to do. 


    And im personally not a fan of the idea, if it was to happen id make it way more expensive. 

    Your asking for 400 total hp jobs with invisibility + meta weapons, your basically asking to fuck up the gap even more of normal rp jobs against cc's

    Gonna have to agree with colt on this. The ability to purchase a cloaking swep would be to overpowered and would just lead to everyone being cloaked. I would love it if CCs could purchase thermals/NVGs but sadly its not possible. 


  7. 3 hours ago, Coltable said:

    Not needed imo, if we start giving thermals out to everyone its gonna ruin cloaker rp

    To add onto this, all players can damage cloaked players regardless if they are cloaked or not. Shouldn't be a big deal with a two-shot sword. 


  8. 49 minutes ago, Marshmallow Purple said:

    7101 Has requirements to flag on, the dog doesn't and its and RnD Job, A Non Combatant RP Focused Branch

    The dog is a Level 100 job meaning anyone can flag onto it at any time. If you were going to add a flag on restriction it would need to be hand selected like the mech and scp 7101.

    I believe that no change should occur as we already have flag on requirements for the mech and we have to raid for it. Also once the mech dies it flags off. Comparing this to scp 7101, Enoch has a nlr. This means that Enoch can stay online as long as the required CI combative units are still online.

    Like I said before the dog is a level 100 job. Because the level requirement is so high only a few amount of players have access to it. Yes you can purchase levels to have access to the job, but that goes for any level requirement job on the server regardless of the branch. These level 100 jobs are meant to be strong and they were design this way for a purpose.

    - Support

  9. On 3/21/2022 at 2:46 AM, Vuitheirt said:

    I really like the idea but I feel you should explain how it would work more and I feel like if this were to be added AS-IS it would be too similar to 939 or 682. Something showing the SWEP in action would be really helpful.  


    Like before I really like this idea and after seeing the changes and more detail into it I fully support this!  +Support


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