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Donovan 1973

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Posts posted by Donovan 1973

  1. 14 hours ago, Bell said:


    +Was previously a Commander of Stormtroopers

    +Extremely dedicated to Inferno

    +Sets a good example for others

    +Updated battalion documents frequently as ST Commander

    +Has realistic expectations

    +Deals with problems quickly without causing many issues

    +Is transparent with his fellow troopers

    -Sometimes takes his job a little too seriously

    -Can be a bit hard on others at times


  2. 14 hours ago, Vertigo334 said:

    + Support

    -Is very dedicated

    -Has proven leadership, especially as a ground command


    -Would be a good fit for VCMDR

    Good luck!


    14 hours ago, Shery said:

    + Support

    - See him everyday

    - Good leadership

    - Understanding and reasonable

    Goodluck Josh!


  3. 20 hours ago, BrandNewName_ said:



    Knows what the role of an officer is

    In the best squadron

    -kinda short app and the "why should we trust you question" kinda goes off in a diff direction


    Overall +Support!!!


  4. On 9/13/2021 at 12:30 AM, 𝓓đ“Șđ“»đ“Ž said:

    Massive + Support

    -Hosts some of the best events
    - Great Application
    - Hosts a lot of Events
    -Very active both as GM and on the server in general

    Overall I think Pepper would be a great fit for the position.
    Good Luck Pepper!


  5. 23 hours ago, 501st JTL 3010 CPT Gustav said:



    +Great guy 

    +Would improve shock

    +Good leader 

    +Has a lot of experience being a Vice Commander 

    +Friendly and respectful




    - Dont have a lot of experience with shock


    Good luck Pepper


    • Thanks 1
  6. What is your in-game name?


    What is your current rank?


    How much time do you have on the server`?

    4 weeks (joined new year's eve of 2020)

    Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

    I put in a lot of time in shock and I enjoy spending times with the fellow troopers. I wouldn't exactly say im the best NCO but I try to help as much as I can. I attempt to put my best effort into shock and keep shock as my main and only life on the server.

    Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? 

    I have never abused my powers as shock and I do not plan to any time soon. Although I am rather new to shock I try to be as serious as possible when on the job. I am aware that I can be mingy but I keep that side of me on other jobs. I also used to be a NCO in SF. 

    If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? 

    I can try my best to do SIMs often and keep my fellow troopers engaged and excited to be with shock

    How active can you be?

    I have just started my sophomore year so I would say about 2 hours on weekdays and all day on weekends if im not busy

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