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Posts posted by Theta

  1. What would you like to see:
    an underground sewer system
    How would it help the server and/or the player base:
    we see on the show Star Wars Rebels that Lothal has a sizable underground sewer system. I believe adding this would give Pykes a unique area to operate and give us some cool RP scenarios as well as generally give more to the atmosphere and the potential of the map.
    Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: 

    Yes, absolutely.

  2. - Mega Support

    You just got removed from 501st for a number of reasons. As a Senior Admin, I would come short in my duties if I did not advise against Frosty joining staff. I feel he would not make a good fit at this time. You have shown yourself to be a toxic person who trash talks and acts like they're better than those at similar ranks.

  3. 4 hours ago, JackForPrez said:

    The ST in question spoke German as his first language and asked Kloundu "Sprichst du Deutsch" (Do you Speak German, Spelling from Google translate I understand it I don't speak it)

    As someone who has taken three years of German Classes, I can confirm that is that this means.


    + Support

    This is unacceptable behavior. I have been staff since 5/24/21 and never once have I ever seen that this is a rule of any kind. People are free to speak whatever language they want. He should have listened to the Senior Admin (Master Chief). Talking in German OOC is not cause for a mute.

    This is yet another in a long string of reports/appeals relating to him, and as much as it pains me to say, he might not be fit to be an Administrator yet.

  4. Battalion Name: 501st Legion

    Job/Class Name: 501st Heavy
    - Current HP: 500
    - New HP: 600

    Reason for health/armor changes:
    This change in HP will allow HVYs to more properly contend with Criminals and Pykes, whos guns by and large deal vast swathes of damage. It would make sense as the HVY is meant to be 501st's spearhead, able to hold the line.


    Job/Class Name: 501st ARC Trooper
    - Current HP: 600
    - New HP: 700

    Reason for health/armor changes:
    Like above, this buff to ARC's HP will allow them a better chance in fighting a superiorly armed enemy. Many times we have observed ARCs being quickly melted by the gunfire of Pykes and Criminals.

    -Current Job Slots: 10
    -New Job Slots: 6

    Reason for change:
    We feel 10 slots is far too much. This was done when 501st had many, many more members. Additionally, 501st ARC is Elite and there should never be ten on at once. They should be tripping over each other for those slots to get on job, so to speak.


    Job/Class Name: 501st Phase Zero Trooper [T3]

    Weapon Kit Change
    - Add: rw_sw_dp24
    - Remove: rw_sw_tl50 , rw_sw_tl40
    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
    We want to give Phase Zero more allure and give them a unique gun to use, which would make them more viable in combat. The other guns would be removed if the DP24 is added, as they'd be redundant at that point. Below this is a change to the weapons stats to bring it up to where we'd like it. It would fill a role neither of the removed weapons do.

    Accuracy: 0.19*
    Hipfire Accuracy: 2.30*
    Firerate: 350
    Damage: 45
    Stability: 90%


    Job/Class Name: 501st Jump Trooper [T2]

    Weapon Kit Change
    - Add: N/A
    - Remove: rw_sw_tl50, rw_sw_dh17a
    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
    Like above, we fell these two guns are redundant and never see use on this job. We do wish for a buff to the CR2 (rw_sw_cr2). The proposed buff would allow the gun to be usable in more mid range engagements.

    Accuracy: 0.98*

    This update has been sanctioned by the current HC Overseer, Darth Vader (Bear).

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Crunch said:


    Once of the shorter apps that I've seen
    Didn't fully explain answer on the last question
    Didn't explain what warns were for
    In my experience with this user has has been fairly mingy


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